Founded in 1998, PuddleDancer Press is the premier publisher of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) related books. Our small team is committed to developing the highest-quality NVC learning materials, and to help ensure continued access to these materials worldwide.
Each year, PuddleDancer invests significant resources into promoting the life-changing skills of NVC, world-renown peacemaker and founder of NVC, Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, and our other authors and titles. Through our monthly e-newsletter, NVC Quick Connect , we reach more than 18,000 people around the globe with valuable self-help articles and exclusive book specials.
Since 2004, PuddleDancer has donated more than 60,000 books to individuals and organizations in need around the globe. And, our promotion efforts help local NVC teams and trainers draw more and more people to this life-changing work.
We also remain committed to encouraging and supporting the translation of our NVC titles into every language.
The Basics of Nonviolent Communication
Most of us have been educated from birth to compete, judge, demand and diagnose — to think and communicate in terms of what is “right“ and “wrong“ with people.
We express our feelings in terms of what another person has “done to us.” We struggle to understand what we want or need in the moment, and how to effectively ask for what we want without using unhealthy demands, threats or coercion. As founder of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Marshall Rosenberg says,
“What others do may be a stimulus of our feelings, but not the cause.”
At best, thinking and communicating this way can create misunderstanding and frustration, or simply keep us from getting what we want. It can also keep us from the fulfilling relationships we deserve. And still worse, it can lead to anger, depression and even emotional or physical violence.
Since developing the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process in the 1960’s, Marshall Rosenberg’s vision has been to teach people of any age, gender, ethnicity or background a much more effective alternative. At present, hundreds of certified NVC trainers and suppporters are teaching NVC skills to people from all walks of life around the globe.
Through our self-help communication books you’ll learn to transform the thinking, language, and moralistic judgments that keep you from the enriching relationships you dream of. As you learn how to apply NVC through reading our books, you’ll start to resolve conflicts with more ease, learn to ask for what you want without using demands, begin to hear the true needs of others with less effort, strengthen your personal and professional relationships, and start living your full potential.