Glen Andrews is devoted to helping solo entrepreneurs and small-business owners around the world with his expertise and tools to set up marketing systems in their business.
As a struggling business owner, Glen finally realized that in order to have a “truly” successful business you first must become a student of marketing. Glen quickly recognized that no business succeeds without a consistent cost-effective marketing strategy to attract and keep clients.
A quote from Glen Andrews to solo entrepreneurs and small-business owners. . .
“You can be the absolute “Best” at what you do, but if you can NOT locate and attract enough customers ‘Consistently’ and ‘Cost’effectively, you’ll soon be out of business.”Glen Andrews
Glen Andrews has helped small-business owners around the world develop“Unique” marketing strategies to separate themselves from their competitors, giving them market dominance. Once you learn the secrets to marketing your business creatively, you’ll never worry about competition again.
Glen admits that struggling in his own business has driven him to make it easier for others to have the success they desire without the constant frustration and sleepless nights. Glen clearly states that his marketing is NOT for everyone.
If you’re satisfied with mediocrity, and you're afraid to think outside the box, his ideas are probably NOT for you. But if you’re looking for the “slight edge” that could catapult your business, bring you more clients, make you more money, and give you the lifestyle you desire. Then you should run across broken glass bare foot to acquire this knowledge.
This is a FREE, no-obligation opportunity to see for yourselfhow how Glen’s marketing strategies can impact your life. In today’seconomy, accepting “average” is a slow and painful death.
Salon Marketing FREE Video Training Series
My biggest ah-hah moment, was when I first started my business 13 years ago. Here's what I figured out the hard way.
"It doesn't matter how good your products or services are, if you fail to attract customers consistently and cost effectively, you'll soon be out of business."
The "one" key in creating a successful business, will be determined by how good you are
at attracting prospects to your door.
The "second" key in creating a successful business will be determined by how you treat the propsects who become your customers. Any business can create an exceptional experience for their customers or clients, and quickly obtain market dominance.
"Do what you do so well, so that people cannot stop talking about you."
Walt Disney