I am Marketing Consultant and SEO, CPA & Niche Marketing Expert. I also specialise in Banner Advertising. 8 years Experience in Profit & Loss Accounts, Balance Sheet, Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable, Payroll.
What Makes a Woman Desirable?
Have you ever noticed that certain women just seem to have every man on the planet wrapped around their finger? Chances are, you don't see anything special about them, but men certainly do.
We all want to be that woman and have a perfect relationship, but do we really know how? Most of us have mothers who told us to play hard to get, don't kiss on the first date, and to make him pay for dinner, but is not there more? This is definitely more..much more.
Believe it or not, for the most part, you can not just act however you feel and be successful. For example, you may fall so in love and want to call your man 40 times a day, but just because it feels good to talk to him does not mean you are not crowding him or pushing him away.
You have to be conscious of your behaviour and of how you are portraying yourself. It is a constant work in progress, but the payoff is awesome.
Let's find out what some of the secrets to capturing man's heart are
Do You Have Confidence? Most of us think that all men want a woman who is skinny, busty, has long hair, and is beautiful. While that is easy on the eyes, it isn't really what makes a man want to be with her. Of course, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be that woman.