Most people do not know that anxiety and fear are Left Brain computations. When you shift to your Right Brain, all anxiety disappears within 90 seconds. How do you shift? This is so easy that you will be surprised. My background is in Gestalt Psychology, NLP, Yoga, Arica, Meditation, and the self healing strategies. Most of these disciplines are simply ways to activate your own Right Brain. Nothing to buy, nothing to practice; simply begin tapping into your own potential. Having taught these skills at 103 major corporations and institutions before I realized these were actually methods to utilize your own Right Brain, I have corporate research indicating how effective these skills are in the business world and in all your relationships. We guarantee our trainings. Our 179 Certified Trainers have conducted seminars for more than 50,000 people in 16 countries. The strategies we teach may be applied to leadership, sales, negotiation, team building customer service, conflict resolution and almost any endeavor in which human beings are engaged. Understanding yourself and understanding others improves all your interactions. Balancing your brain gives you the advantage of creative problem solving.
"Once you know what your outcome is there are three skills you need in order to get it. The first skill is sensory acuity. You need to see more and hear more than most of us do." Influencing with Integrity"
"Without rapport, there will be no agreement."
"You do not have to 'like' your communication partner in order to establish rapport."
1) Ch. 1 of Influencing with Integrity
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inside our Android app, "Three Minute Steps to influencing with Integrity".
The skills provided in this app are equivalent to those attained during our three day live training seminar. Includes workbook for daily tracking of expertise gained.