Dr. Faith C. Abraham is a renowned author, prolific speaker, co-pastor and entrepreneur. Aside from her unpretentious beauty, down-to-earth personality coupled with girlish wit, she is a woman of perseverance and tenacity. Faith is a vibrant woman of God with a desire to see people walking in their God-given purpose. God has elevated her from a life that was full of childhood turmoil, low self-esteem and feelings of emptiness. One of her passions is to empower lives and share with the world how she overcame trials in her personal life through her walk with God and how others can do the same.
After receiving the understanding of God’s love, she has proceeded to teach and preach the Gospel with boldness and fervor encouraging people everywhere to walk out their higher calling in life. Dr. Faith understands that the need for God’s love is needed all over the world which has allowed her to share that love on the continents of America, Europe and Africa. Dr. Faith’s speaking topics include the new creation, empowerment, prayer & intercession, Christ-confidence, physical, mental, & spiritual wellness, business/entrepreneurship and the prophetic ministry.
As an advocate of advanced education, Dr. Faith has obtained multiple degrees including a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Christian Counseling and a Masters degree in Business Administration. She is also the Vice President of Academic and Student affairs at Higher Place Christian University (HPCU) . HPCU's mission is to prepare students academically, spiritually and professionally to fulfill their life purpose and take their world to a higher place for God.
She is the author of You Can Win at Life & Christ-confidence with a number of books on the horizon. Dr. Faith is the founder of the EMPOWERED life biweekly newsletter that is filled with encouragement and wisdom for life.She is a sought after national and international keynote speaker. Dr. Faith and her husband, Apostle Uyi Abraham , along with their two children reside in Atlanta, Georgia.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God." -Marianne Williamson