Eric Chaffin, along with fellow Pittsburgh, PA personal injury attorney , Roopal Luhana, are the two founding partners of the Chaffin Luhana, LLP personal injury law firm located in Pittsburgh, PA. Eric Chaffin is committed to providing each individual client that he decides to represent with excellent legal representation. Mr. Chaffin is able to do this because he is not like most other attorneys across the U.S. that take on multiple cases all at one time and are unable to offer each individual case the proper and neccessary amount of resources, time, energy, and attention that is required in order to obtain a successful outcome. Unlike these other attorneys, Eric Chaffin makes sure he only handles one case and client at a time. This allows Mr. Chaffin to give each case he handles above and beyond the required amount of time, energy, and resources that is neccessary to give a case the best possible chance of resulting in a successful outcome.
Eric Chaffin and his fellow Pittsburgh personal injury and accident attorneys at Chaffin Luhana, LLP have extensive combined successful experience practicing personal injury law all across the state of Pennsylvania. The practice areas that Eric Chaffin and the Chaffin Luhana, LLP Pittsburgh injury and accident lawyers handle, include but are not limited too the following:
Practice Areas
Here are the hours of operation for the actual physical office in Pittsburgh, PA. Remember you can always call this number (412) 345-8144 24/7 and you can also fill out the "Free Legal Consultation" form on the website at anytime of the day or night.
Hours of Operation
Mon: 9am-5pm
Tue: 9am-5pm
Wed: 9am-5pm
Thu: 9am-5pm
Fri: 9am-5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Eric Chaffin is one the numerous Pittsburgh, PA personal injury attorneys at the Chaffin Luhana, LLP law firm. Eric Chaffin and these other Pittsburgh injury and accident lawyers are offering all potential clients who have been the victim of an accident that resulted in either the serious injury or death of you and or a loved one. Contact Eric Chaffin at the Chaffin Luhana, LLP law firm for a free legal consultation with an experienced and successful Pittsburgh auto accident lawyer and or Pittsburgh injury attorney, today!
The Chaffin Luhana law firm is also a national Invokana law firm. Invokana is a Type 2 Diabetes medication that has recently been found to cause a number of serious negative side effects to victims taking the Invokana medication. The national Invokana lawyers at Chaffin Luhana have extensive successful experience handling a wide range of medical malpractice and product liability cases, including a vast number of different medical purscription liability cases. These Invokana attorneys at Chaffin Luhana will help victims of Invokana file a Invokana lawsuit on the victim's behalf. By filing this Invokana lawsuit, the Chaffin Luhana national Invokana attorneys are ensuring the Invokana victims their best possible chances of successfully recovering the maximum amount of compensation for their full physical and or emotional recoveries. Some of these negative side effects that can be caused from taking Invokana, include but are not limited to: Kidney failure or impairment, heart attacks, dehydration and fluid imbalances, kidney stones, stroke , urinary tract infections, increased cholesterol, allergic reactions , abnormal weight lose and gain, and many more. If you or someone you care for have taken the Invokana medication and suffered from any of the above types of negative side effects, or if you or your loved one have taken Invokana and not felt any of the above side effects yet, contact the Chaffin Luhana law firm to speak with our team of successful national Invokana lawyers and they will offer you a free legal consultation.
Chaffin Luhana, LLP
301 Grant St., Ste. 4300
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 345-8144