"Romance and passion are the music to the dance of your life!"
Emily has been helping folks in the field of relationships for nearly 10 years. She began her work coaching men and women in emotionally abusive relationships. Her business has evolved into bringing back romance and excitement to many marriages.
Known for blending her gracious and gentle style of teaching with her knowlege of relationships, romance and the energy of romance, Emily creates simple and fun ways for you to have the romance you so deeply crave. She inspires and guides you in how to use your own "practical magic" to find the loveliest and wisest parts of yourself and to remember the the steps to the music of your own romance!
"Lukewarm passion in a relationship is more wretched than contempt." Emily Webber
Do you miss romance and passion in your relationship?
Do you want to feel special to your mate again?
Go to http://www.marriedwithromance.com and get Emily's free downloadable report, "The Worst Thing You Do to Kill Romance...and Don't Realize How Often You Do It!"
Please visit Emily's Facebook Fanpage for fun tips and ideas daily @ http://www.facebook.com/marriedwithromance .