Dwayne Klassen is the bold new face for men and relationship empowerment. He is a transformational speaker, certified trainer, writer, and entrepreneur with a passion for communication, ancient wisdom, leadership, men's issues, human potential, and challenging men to step up and be Remarkable in their lives.
Dwayne's storied background of both great success and epic challenges, are timely life lessons that prove - that no matter how hard life can get, you can make a difference and win.
Dwayne is the author of his soon to be released book, "The Remarkable Man - Champions To Women,Heroes To Children & Brothers To Each Other". Dwayne has one of the most profound coaching programs for men and relatiosnhips. The Remarkable Man Coaching Program. He is "The Mojo Coach". www.DwayneKlassen.com.
He also the Founder and Creator of The Remarkable Man Project - soon to be the largest and most successful men's leadership and empowerment network in the world. www.RemarkableManProject.com
Contact Dwayne today to have him as a memorable part of your next event. Dwayne@DwayneKlassen.com
"You don't get what you want, you get what you are." - James Allen
"If you could understand the power of the reflection, those that hold the mirror would receive your deepest gratitude." - Dwayne Klassen
"Don't stop believing...hold on to that feeling!" - Journey
This world is changing quickly! You know it and can feel it! What the future holds is for many both fearful and exciting. This is the most exciting time in our history and we are here herald in a new age of consciousness and awakening. 2012 Marks the completion of a grand cycle and the beginning of something incredible. What cycles do you need to get complete in your life? What do you need to heal? Who do you need to forgive? What song or book or painting do you have inside you yearning to come out? What is your grandest vision you have for your life?
Come visiting my site at: www.DwayneKlassen.com or Http://www.RemarkablemanProject.com
Or "Like" me on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/DwayneHKlassenfanpage
You can contact Dwayne Klassen at (403) 669-1503 or email: dwayne@RemarkableManProject.com