I am a Certified Psychological Counsellor from the Institute of Behavioral and Management Sciences in India.
I have done Doctorate in Alternative Medicines from the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, established under WHO (World Health Organization).
I have done years of study and research on human psychology, spiritual wisdom of ancient India, quantum science, and their applications in our modern life.
Mission Statement"My purpose and passion in life is to heal and help people across the world, to solve their various problems in life; so that they can be peaceful, happy and healthy."
Awards & AchievementsIn my very first year of practice, I became the recipient of Gold Medal for Mental Health Care.
In the year 2010, I have received Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award and Indira Gandhi Sadbhavana Award for my Contibution to the Nation.
Moreover, I have been nominated for two International Awards, one from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culturall Organization (UNESCO); and the other from the Indo-Thai Friendship and Economic Cooperation.
I have been - honored with host of other awards, interviewed on TV channels, and covered by almost all major newspapers and magazines.
I have also written quite a few award-winning and best-selling bookson mind, relationships, health and life. Some of them are translated in different languages. In addition to the aforesaid, I write for various publications from time to time.
Moreover, in my more than 12 years of practice, I have been instrumental in healing and helping thousands of people across the worldthrough my counselling, therapy, talks, lectures, seminars, workshops, articles and books; and have received fantastic feedback, praises and blessings from them.
B-604, Glory, Vasant Marvel
Western Express Highway
Borivli (East), Mumbai -400066
For Appointments - Call: +91- 9821178259, +91-22-28540752
Electronic Mails: help@drsanjoy.com
, dr@mentalhealthindia.net
Websites: www.drsanjoy.com , www.mentalhealthindia.net