Dr. Rick Kirschner is a bestselling author, speaker, executive coach, faculty member with the Institute for Management Studies, and adjunct faculty with Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Since 1980, he has shared his ideas and insights with individuals, organizations and audiences around the world. His clients include many of the world's best known organizations, including Heineken, Providence Healthcare, NASA, Starbucks Coffee Company and Texas Instruments. He has been interviewed on hundreds of radio and TV programs, including CNBC, FOX and CBC. His ideas on communication and conflict resolution are found in numerous magazines and newspapers including USA Today, London Times, Toronto Sun, The Wall Street Journal, Executive Excellence and Leadership Excellence. Author of the 'Insider's Guide To The Art of Persuasion,' and the Hyperion book, How To Click With People; and coauthor of the international bestseller, 'Dealing With People You Can't Stand: Bringing Out The Best in People At Their Worst,' newly released in a third revised edition, over 2 million copies sold to date.
Whether the topic is dealing with business , dealing with people or dealing with life , the message is simple— Change is inevitable, but progress is not.Discover how youmake the difference. Change your mind, change your life, change your world.
Fresh content about persuasive communication and life skills on my blog, 3 days a week. http://blog.theartofchange.com
Dr. Rick Kirschner and The Art of Change Skills for Life™presentations, private coaching sessions, training and teleseminar sessions bring fresh perspective, inspiration and powerful skills. These interactive programs help individuals and organizations embrace change, reduce conflict, and improve communication, and are fun, meaningful, and have a lasting impact.
Let The Art of Change Skills for Life™ bring positive change to your business and professional life. Please contact us
to schedule a brief phone interview to discuss how we can best meet your needs. Or visit us on the Internet. Complimentary newsletter subscription and podcasts at TheArtofChange.com
, teleseminar info at CommunicationTuneUp.com
, and fresh blog posts at Dr. K's 'How To Click With People Blog
Dr. Rick Kirschner
The Art of Change LLC
P.O. Box 896
Ashland, OR 97520 USA