Dr. Erica Goodstoneis a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert Helping Men and Women Heal Their Bodies and Their Relationships Through Love. She is an Author, Seminar Leader, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage Therapist, Board Certified Sex Therapist and Somatic/Body Oriented Psychotherapist. Former Professor of Health and Physical Education at FIT/State University of New York, trained in a variety of body therapy modalities, and a perpetual student of higher consciousness, she has developed a comprehensive understanding of the mind/body/spirit connection. In her work with individuals and couples, heterosexual and homosexual, she has been a catalyst for relationship transformation. Her goal is to create a space in which clients feel accepted, acknowledged, appreciated and safe enough to express their deepest fears, reveal their own unique magnificence, and acknowledge their true desire to love and be loved.
Dr. Erica received her Ph.D. at New York University, in a unique program: Human Sexuality, Marriage and Family Living. She has made it her life's work to study and understand how and why people love, what it takes to remain happy and intimate in a long-term committed relationship, why touch is so important for health and healing, and what it takes to heal our body, mind, spirit and soul. She has worked with all sorts of intimate relationship issues, including those of married, single, heterosexual, gay and lesbian, engaged, divorced, or in the process of breaking up as well as relationships with family, friends, co-workers, bosses, and others.
Her credentials are extensive: Diplomate/Fellow, American Association of Integrative Medicine; Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management, Diplomate, American Board of Sexology, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist,AAMFT Clinical Member, and licensed and certified to practice massage as well as somatic/body orientedpsychotherapy.
Learn about her Complete Relationship System in an exclusive interview by David Riklan at http://budurl.com/LoveSystemPreview . Find her books at http://budurl.com/MyAmazonBooks ,her articles at http://www.ezinearticles.com , and her blogs at: http://www.CreateHealingAndLoveNow.com/blog . Schedule an appointment at http://www.DrEricaWellness.com .
Dr. Erica is an international speaker and seminar leader. She is available to present her Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me Relationship Program for groups of women, men, heterosexual, homosexual, individuals and couples.
Check out her upcoming Facebook and LinkedIn Events, her Google+ Hangouts, Teleseminars and Webinars.
Our sexuality is not separate from the rest of our lives, it is actually an expression of who we are at our core. Many of us attempt to compartmentalize our sexuality. We find a person who matches us in many ways but does not really arouse our sexual excitement. So, we share our sexual pleasures with non-intimate partners and attempt to have a pseudo-emotionally intimate relationship with our steady partner. This may work for awhile, even for a long time. But sooner or later, the truth must come to the surface and all involved may be devastated.
Once you understand and accept yourself as a sexual being and allow your true sexuality to emerge within your closest relationship, that is the beginning of joy, pleasure, happiness, intimacy and fulfillment. Blocking and hiding who you are, to any degree, will tend to dampen your energy, weaken your resolve, and stifle your creative expression.
If your true sexual desires are not consistent with how you want to be in this world, then I can help. My Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me Complete Relationship System will teach you, step by step, what it takes to access your own inner longings, clear your oppressive emotional blocks, and finally open your heart and mind to the creation of true intimacy.
Sexual Reawakening is awakening to your true self - your hopes, dreams, emotional aliveness, sensual pleasure, physical health, and asense of your connection to something beyond your immediate world. With or without a partner, your sensual aliveness will keep you healthy, vibrant and at peace with the world.
Intimacybegins when we reconnect with our body, accept and love our self - body, mind and spirit, in its totality - and develop the conscious intention to accept and love others, especially those closest to us, in their totality.
Schedule an Online, In-Person, Skype or Telephone Appointmentat DrEricaWellness.com