Dr. Sam Caron has been working with children and families for 30 years. During that time, he has been a psychological counselor at a hospital for severely developmentally disabled people, an elementary school guidance counselor, a coordinator of children and families services at a mental health center, a psychology and education instructor at several colleges, clinical director of a first offenders program, and in private practice as a child psychologist. Currently he sees children and families full time at Fort Huachuca, an army base in Southern Arizona. In addition to being a child psychologist, Dr. Caron is also a ventriloquist. He started ventriloquism at age 6 when his aunt gave him a Jerry Mahoney puppet. He has used his puppets throughout his career to improve rapport and facilitate communication with his young patients. As a ventriloquist he has produced a series of audio tapes to teach children about appropriate behavior in public; worked on an award winning public access, non-violent, children's TV program; produced an award winning series of TV public service announcements on topics such as child abuse, molestation, and don't talk to strangers; and conducted a workshop at the International Ventriloquists' festival on using ventriloquism to counsel and educate young children. Last but not least, Dr. Caron has just completed producing a series of ten video lessons designed to teach children and their families about ADHD. The videos combine ventriloquism, original songs, magic, and humor to help make them more attractive to young children. Dr. Caron was recently invited to go to Japan this coming November to conduct a workshop at the first Japanese Ventriloquist festival; talk to doctors, students, and ADHD families about ADHD; and show some of his ADHD lessons. For more information about the ADHD lessons, you can go to Dr. Caron's webpage at http://www.adhd1.net