Donna Authers has a passion for applying her natural caregiving skills to help bring hope and healing to hurting people. Her book entitled "A Sacred Walk: Dispelling the Fear of Death and Caring for the Dying " is a tool readers can use to open a necessary dialogue about this very important topic. If you fear death or the dying process or you would like to know how best to provide practical, emotional, and spiritual support to a friend or loved one living with a life threatening illness, this book is for you.
After earning a B.S. degree from the University of Pittsburgh, the author enjoyed a highly successful business career in marketing and sales management with an international corporation. Her second career as a caregiver to individuals and families in crisis, most of whom were dealing with life threatening illnesses helped to hone her natural caregiving skills. She is a gifted teacher and, as such, has a 16-year history of training and mentoring many other volunteers to care for others.
Donna has worked closely with hospice organizations, counselors, social workers and clergy, and has been an advocate for those dealing with the medical system and government agencies. Helping others cope with new chapters in their lives and finding renewed enthusiasm for the future is a key element in her work.
Donna is committed to helping others dispel their fear of death and the dying process because she lived in fear of death from childhood well into her adult life, the result of an unusual number of tragic losses in her family. You will be captivated by the miraculous account of how her fear of death was broken by her grandmother’s faith. The lessons of life highlighted throughout "A Sacred Walk" capture the wisdom of Donna’s special friends, and if heeded, just may help you live and die with no regrets. The table of contents, reviews and ordering information can be found on the book's website: