Don Bowlby currently serves as Vice President of Operations for Corexcel, a training and education company located in Wilmington, Delaware. He’s been working in several capacities within the training industry for 11 years. Don entered the training arena with Inservice Training Institute (ITI) with a primary focus on developing public seminars for health professionals to earn CEUs or Contact Hours towards license renewal. Don helped ITI serve the pharmaceutical industry by coordinating training programs for non-clinical employees in subjects such as Medical Terminology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Laboratory Test Interpretation. Don worked closely with several of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the world and still does today. ITI changed their name to Corexcel in 1999.
Don has a degree in information technology with a minor in web development/e-commerce. Initially he was brought in by ITI to help move their public seminars to an online format. Since then his responsibilities have changed rapidly and are still evolving daily. While serving as Vice President of Operations for Corexcel his goal is to help companies excel by helping their core employees improve through education and training. Don is involved in course development, trainer recruitment, product identification, e-learning management and accreditation services. Corexcel is in the business of helping organizations identify and use training resources to improve their organization as a whole. Their products address behavioral styles, leadership, sales, customer service, work habits and resolving conflict to name a few.
Since Don started in the training industry he’s helped Corexcel extend their reach beyond the pharmaceutical industry. He’s helped them add assessments and training resources related to more phases of organizational development. He has also helped to develop a broad network of instructors to present courses using these assessments. However, today Corexcel is finding more and more companies want to do things internally. For those companies Don helps them find training materials and they can use to present courses using in-house trainers.
DiSC Profile - Behavioral Assessment
Online Business Skills Courses - Courses for Personal & Professional Development
There are three types of people that use off-the-shelf continuing education and training products. The first type wants an off-the-shelf training program they can use with very little or no development involved. The second is someone that wants to take an off-the-shelf training program and fully customize it to their liking. Finally, the third is one that wants to create their own program from scratch and add bits and pieces of an off-the-shelf program to enhance it. Meeting the needs of all three types is where the challenge lies.
Interested in learning about continuing education accreditation, DiSC assessments , profiling or training materials? Contact me at or visit our web site at