Darren is an acknowledged world-wide expert on helping people to connect with their angels. You can learn how to connect with your guides, angels, archangels and masters and receive their loving guidance, answers, messages and healing. Receive guidance about all areas of your own life, whenever you wish, and discover how you can work with the angels to help others in new and inspiring ways.
Darren is here to spread the love and light of the angels around the world.
The angels selected Darren to act as one of their representatives on earth, and gave him a unique process that makes it easy for anyone to link and talk with their angels.
Darren offers:
Free Angel Book - Spreading Your Wings - downloadable from his web-site
Free Angel Meditation
World-wide Angel Home Study Course - learn how to connect and talk with your angels anywhere in the world. (Best selling course in over 25 countries around the world)
Angel Workshops
Career, Life Purpose and Angel Readings by telephone - help you with your life. Discover your ideal career and life purpose and calling, and receive angel guidance and advice to help you transform your life for the better.
Darren is also launching the World Angel Network to connect, unite and empower angel workers around the world, for the higher good of all. Meet, and connect with other angel workers locally or internationally and gain access to a world of angelic opportunities. Volunteers from all countries sought to assist with the world-wide launch.
For details about all of the above visti the web-site www.guidedbyangels.info
Darren wishes each and every one of you many angel blessings. May your angels help you to live an abundant and fulfilling life of service, on the right path, full of love and light and happiness.
Namaste (I salute the spark of God within you) and best wishes to you all.
GUIDED BY ANGELS - World-wide best selling angel home study course - Meet you angels. Learn how to receive messages and channel guidance and healing to tramsform your life and help others.
ANGEL WORKSHOPS - How to channel the Angels and Archangels easily. Come join a group of like-minded souls and learn how to connect with your angels and receive inspiring guidance about your life.
CAREER AND LIFE PURPOSE ANGEL READINGS - Discover your ideal career and Life Purpose with expert coaching and channelled angel guidance by Darren
To contact Darren,
Visit the web-site www.guidedbyangels.info or
Email: darren@guidedbyangels.info
Telephone: UK +44 (0) 1245 460057 (9.00am-8.00pm London time)