Health care is not rocket science. Rocket science is about pushing the limits of man. It is very expensive and exciting. Successful health care is about understanding how the living system works on its own. Any intervention should be applied only to restore the original natural balance .
There are three areas that can become out of balance;
the mechanical body
the energetic body
the chemical body
A doctor's job is to investigate signs and symptoms with a mind on discovering the cause of the imbalance. Then apply a treatment regime that helps the patient regain this balance and maintain it for the rest of thier bodies life. Any attempt at relieving symptoms alone is doomed to fail. Symptoms are never the problem, only the signals from the body that it is dealing with an imbalance.
Have the courage to be responsible for your own life.
FEAR -False Evidence Appearing Real
Darrel D Drumright DC, FASA
7211 NW 83rd ST, suite 230
Kansas City, MO 64152