Our family antique clocks business has been established for nearly 40 years from Cheshire, UK and now over 15 years from London. We have a superb range of genuine antique grandfather or longcase clocks , bracket and wall clocks. More than else though you will receive a warm welcome and expert constructive advice.
I am one of the sons in the business, I am 40 years of age now and I have appeared in the national papers, on national tv and written many articles about antique clocks and the investment potential.
Our clocks selection is one of the finest in London. If you need to ask any questions please feel free. I alwalys welcome giving advice and information in this field. This advice is always free of charge.
My passion and drive since I was very small was to become one of the foremost authorities on antique clocks from the 17/18/19 th centuries. Ever sonce an early age I have been amazed by these olden day genious. They produced such amazing clocks that every one is different and built to last. It is a real pleasure working in this field, I would not wish to do anything else.
Daniel Clements