Dan Brulé is a modern day teacher and healer. He is a world-renown pioneer in the field of Breathwork, and leader of the worldwide Spiritual Breathing movement. Dan is one of the originators of Breath Therapy, and was among the first group of Internationally Certified Rebirthers. He is a master of Prana Yoga (the Hindu Science of Breath), and Chi Kung/Qigong (Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises).
Few people in the world have more hands-on experience in Breathwork. More than 250,000 people in over 65 countries now apply Dan’s breathing exercises and techniques in their work and in their lives. Among them are Olympic champions and elite martial artists, leading psychotherapists and medical experts; monks, meditators, hospice workers and yoga teachers, performing artists, personal trainers, substance abuse and pastoral counselors, health practitioners, life coaches, and business executives.
Dan is the author of: JUST BREATHE: Mastering Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Biusiness and Beyond (Simon & SChuster. Forward by Tony Robbins; now in 10 languages) Dan is alsop author of: "Shut Up and Breathe!," “A Formula for Transformation,” “The Principles of Breath Therapy,” “Zen and the Art of Breathing,” “Stress and Breathing,” “A Brief Introduction to Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises,” “The Art and Science of Breathwork,” and “Spiritual Breathing.”
He originally trained as an X-Ray Technologist at New England Medical Center (University Hospital) and Northeastern University (1969-1971). He served in the US Navy during the Vietnam era as an independent duty hospital corpsman, Deep Sea Diver, and Emergency Medical Rescue Specialist until 1976. Then he worked as a CPR, First aid, and Emergency Medical Technician instructor/trainer.
He majored in Human Development and Learning at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and graduated in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Education. In 1985, he designed and completed a Masters Program in the Healing Arts at Lesley College in Cambridge, called “The Breath as A Tool for Health Growth and Change.”
Dan is a life long student and practitioner of the Healing Arts, Zen, and Meditation. He co-founded and directed The Growth Center, Inc., one of New England’s first Alternative Education and Holistic Healing Centers.
He developed the first-in-the-nation “Stress and Coping” program for American Red Cross workers. He was the founding president of the Massachusetts Self-Esteem Council and the Director of Youth Education for the Council on Alcohol (where he designed and implemented a substance abuse prevention program called “Alternatives to Alcohol,” for the elementary school system.
Dan lived in the Osho community in Oregon, and took part in the original Breath Therapy Program at the Rajneesh International Meditation University. He learned “Prana Yoga” from Swami Rama and did biofeedback training at the Himalayan Institute in Pennsylvania. He also studied “Breathing Coordination” with Carl Stough at the Stough Institute in New York.
He has studied and traveled extensively with Leonard Orr, the founder of the “Rebirthing” movement; and he has worked with Stan Grof, the founder of “Holotropic Breathwork.” In 1980, Dan traveled to India where he was initiated into “Kriya Yoga” and “Kundalini Yoga” and given the yogi name Guchu Ram Singh by the legendary Babaji (described in Pramahansa Yogananda’s famous book: “Autobiography of a Yogi.”). He often returns to India to renew his vow to serve life by awakening inner peace and promoting world peace.
In 1985, after several years of self study and personal practice, he was invited to China by the legendary Master Hu Bin to study and practice Medical Chi Kung at the Academy of Chinese Medicine in Beijing. In that year, he also studied with Swami Rama and did biofeedback training at the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. And he took part in the Transformational Breathwork Program at the Rajneesh International Meditation University in Oregon. He also studied with Carl Stough (Dr. Breath) in New York City.
In 1990, Dan founded One Sky International to foster business, educational, cultural exchange between the USA and the USSR. He attended the First International Free Breathing Conference in Moscow. The response to his work was so strong and enthusiastic that he moved his practice to Russia during the collapse of Communism in 1991. He worked closely with leaders in the world peace and human potential movements.
Dan has taught Breathwork to more than 50,000 people in Russia, including more than 1000 medical doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists.
He contributed to a ten-year study of Breathwork with members of the Russian Academy of Science; and he worked with 12 time world champion Greco-roman wrestler Alexander Karilen, as well as members of the Olympic judo, triathlon, tennis, and sailing teams.
Among his students and clients are Philanthroist and life coach Tony Robbins, Navy Seal Commander and author of Unbeatable Mind Mark Divine, and venture capitalist and author of Pitch Mastery, Oren Klaff
In 2000, he organized One Sky International Life Skills and Healing Arts Institute. From 2001 to 2003, he served as Chairman of the South Coast Hospitals Group’s Cardiovascular Health Committee and Youth Risk Behaviors Task Force. There he helped design and implement cutting edge science based community health promotion and disease prevention initiatives.
Dan now lives in Los Cabos, Mexico, where he is a founder of Baja Bio Sana ( www.bajabiosana.org ) a permaculture demonstration site, organic farm, and teaching and learning center.
Dan is a frequent local and national radio and television and podcast guest, and he has done seminars, workshops and trainings in such diverse locations as: the Open Centre in London, Aurora College in the Northwest Territories of Canada, the National Conservatory of Music in Estonia, the Catholic University and the San Pedro Federal Penitentiary in Bolivia, the Bashkir State Medical Institute in Ufa, the Santosha Yoga Studio in Boca Raton, the Anahat Yoga School in Providence, RI, The Assemblage in NYC, the Open World Center in Moscow, Russia, and at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Cancun, Mexico.
"Breathwork is the new yoga!"
"Breathwork is meditation for people who can't meditate."
"Breathwork is the Swiss army knife of life!"
"Breathwork is to psycho-somatic illness what penicilin was to bacterial diseases"
"Breathwork is the quickest and most effective way to clear your head, settle your stomach, calm your nerves and open your heart."
"Dan is know as the "Godfather of Breathwork," the "Yoda of Breathwork," and the Bruce Lee of Breathwork."
Visit www.breathmastery.com . Subscribe to my free monthly newsletter and breathing report and download the free e-book: "Shut Up and Breathe!" Follow on Facebook: Facebook.com/danbrulebreathmastery. Instagram: @danbruleofficial. Sign up for my online course: "21 lessons in the art and science of breathwork." Enroll in the Online o2 Fundamentals course: https://www.o2collective.com/breath-mastery-fundamentals
Dan Brulé,
745 Chase Rd.,West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Tel: 1 508 345 7574
Dan Brulé
Baja Bio Sana
Caja Apartado #1
Santiago, BCS
MX 23500