Dale G. Klein is a Corporate Communication & Speech Specialist and the owner of Profitable Speech, LLC ( www.profitablespeech.com
). Dale established her private practice in 1994 and works with individuals in all industries. Clients seek her out when they want to have a competitive edge with polished and professional communication. Her services are available on an individual and group basis, depending on specific needs. Additionally, Dale provides webinars as well as remote coaching via video conferencing, Skype and phone sessions.
Dale holds a Master's degree in Communicative Disorders ( California State University, Long Beach
) and is a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist, by training. She also has over a decade of solid management experience and brings a unique set of skills to the table in order to serve the needs of her clients.
In addition to being a professional speaker and trainer, Dale is also an author. She has written numerous articles for local newspapers and trade associations and co-authored Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last (a self-help book for couples who want to rejuvenate their relationship through improved communication).
In response to ongoing client requests, Dale has also created a line of innovative business communication products (2 CDs a DVD and an e-booklet) available on her Web site at www.profitablespeech.com
Do you sound like the expert that you are? You can learn how to accomplish this by calling Dale Klein at
518-664-6004 or visiting her Web site at www.profitablespeech.com
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