My Story/Bio, Mission and Vision
By; Chris Haletsky
I realize, my Bio below does not present or follow the usually ‘accepted’ format that you are used to seeing. The fact is, I really don’t know of a better way to present myself than simply explain what has molded me into who I am today, and why. My understanding of what biography means and its purpose is to expose one’s life for review by others. Life in this sense means one’s life expression and what molded that expression. To write with that view would necessarily include one’s Vision and Mission, all rapped up into a single document. So here goes my version of a bio, or should I call it My Story …
First off, my picture is 3 years old at age 62. I will bring it current soon. Personally, I believe I look better now then I did then.
At 9-years old, I observed how self-serving and cruel kids could be to each other, demeaning and making fun of seeming imperfections and weaknesses while constantly competing. It was amazing to me that the teachers believed diagramming a sentence was more important than the way the kids treated each other right in front of them. I was impacted back then on the emphasis put on History and Social Studies. The thing that stood out to me is the continuous wars and conflict for our entire History. There was an obvious correlation to me of the kid’s behavior and historic behavior by adults, being grown up kids. This observation had a deep and lifelong impact for the rest of my life.
Today, some of those kids are in high places having serious impact on ‘our’ world. Well, how is that working for all of us so far as one race, the Human Race? Since then, I determined the most meaningful path for my life would necessarily include humanitarian and philanthropic endeavors and a constant quest to make a positive impact any way I could. I spent most my life ‘paying attention’ while observing social human behavior … and never did pay attention to academia … ever. In support of my view, many famous multi-billionaires had little if any academic formal education. During my, over 50 years of pondering what I could offer of real value to others, I also went through and accomplished many, what I consider secondary things. Below are some of them in my own way of presenting this so called Story/Bio.
Again, please keep in mind I have never been interested in competition against anyone. It has always seemed to me to be a conflicting and limited use of the human potential as a race, when if unified toward a common goal, the creative potential would be simply astounding! Even our own governmental structure is always ‘internally’ competitive and conflicted. It amazes me, that it was originally structured to be that way ‘on purpose’ by some very intelligent people. What I find interesting is that if someone wants to conquer an enemy, a well known and proven technique, “divide and conquer” is they infiltrate and cause internal conflict to make the enemy weak and less unified. It seems so obvious and my only explanation is what they ‘weren’t taught’ when they were kids in school. Oh, that’s right; those things are left up to the family and parents to teach. Problem is, they have the same problem as everyone else, not being taught any different when they were kids either. On and on it goes, creating conflict and war throughout our entire history. Most of our leaders have “credentials’ a sentence long, and we are still divided and in conflict and war.
The ‘Good News’ is, things are going to get better as we go through our current transitional cycle into a whole new paradigm of more cooperation and global collaboration. What we see today around the world is the chaos period during our transition into a new age that will finally break much of the repeating patterns in our History I have been mentioning.
I have Published a Book and also write Articles about many of the subjects I am breezing by here, including a lot about our Current Cycle and how our Sun, Solar System, Magnetics, and our DNA are all involved and part of this transition.
On a more Personal level, I propose issues regarding Perception inwardly and outwardly, the difference between Self and the Ego, and how to work with both in a positive way. Yes, there is the potential for a Positive Ego in you. Also my views on Time and the Linear Track we are on; the catalytic number ‘3’ and how it IS the simplicity in the complexity; about the Magnetic and Quantum Nature of our DNA. You are incredibly powerful way beyond your own concept of You.
After all these years, I still know we as a race could be at Peace, more Prosperous, Live far Longer Healthier lives, and on our way to the Stars by now. In view of our current cycle, we are transitioning through a Global Reconfiguration of Values and Beliefs, thanks to the Global Reach with the Internet, toward a Unified Race of more reliable Integrity, Collaboration and Cooperation. Not too long from now, the World’s Consumer mentality will demand these attributes in the market place. This Global Movement is being headed up by our younger people, if you notice, who were born into the World Wide Web. It’s interesting how coordinated they can be globally ‘without’ an apparent leader. How do they do that? … Online!
The eventual outcome of this transitional process we are all experiencing bodes well for those who can develop and transition their minds, lives and businesses to meet the coming demands of the greater and younger global community. Those people and businesses who can make the transition will survive and emerge successfully as the for-runners into our new paradigm of necessitating a much greater level of Integrity in ‘all’ dealings.
Below, I am not discussing some of my accomplishments to blow my horn! But rather, to point out more importantly, Patterns, Values and Ideals that are far more relevant than myself as a single individual. Please keep this in mind, while I write about what is awkward for me to labor on, but I know no other way to do it.
From 10 years old, I was a World-Class Athlete in Swimming, Baseball, then later in Billiards and Sanctioned English Darts. I have founded businesses that always included philanthropic efforts, some of which were too innovated for their time. I have invented, patented and developed products, again being innovative. I have never been able to knowingly do anything that mimics something that I know already exists … unless I can innovate it toward my ideals somehow. Of course, many will say this is contrary to the business wisdom of, “Find what is successful and then copy it”. During those years up to the present, I have always been involved with helping people with Fitness; Anti-Aging; Life Extension; Natural Supplements and various Health related Technologies; Self Improvement, and any real contribution I am capable of to people who ‘ask’ for it.
While in Hawaii, up to age 16, I held many Swimming records such as Junior Olympic, Hawaiian, American and numerous pool records. During my early career in Swimming and other sports, I was always helping others with ways to improve their own sport, even those out to beat me. I knew their pressure from parents and peers pushing them to ‘do’, not ‘be’ their best.
At age 14, I placed 6th at the (all ages) Open World Championships in 50-meter Freestyle, meaning I was the 6th fastest human in the world at 14 years old. During this same period in Hawaii while in the 5th grade, I entered a state-wide science competition where entrees would exhibit on various subjects. I won 2nd place overall, 1st place Biology and 1st place Zoology. Without paying attention in school! At that time, my grades were Cs and Ds.
Also, during my year-round sport of Swimming, I played Baseball as a pitcher and notable home run batter. This was also around 14. I became one of the top Pitchers in the world with a 94 mph ball. I only remember this because of a newspaper clipping I found in a box, 45 years later. I pitched the Little League World Series and won it with the 3rd game being a one-hitter shut out.
In 1961, I was on the Congressional Country Club swim team in Potomac, Maryland before I even left Hawaii. At that time, I was being prepared for the Japan Olympics, but declined and quit the team for personal reasons, feeling surrounded and pressured to go a path of their interest, not mine. Basically, I got claustrophobic from being surrounded by adults planning out my life’s path. I already had my own chosen path. During this same period, my parents were dumbfounded many times when I would bring home troubled kids, and at times hiding run-a-ways in the basement or garage trying to be helpful to them.
During the mid 60s, I played the world famous Minnesota Fats a 10 set game of 9 Ball. I got 1st break and ran 6 racks. Of course I was all puffed up about that. With his 1st break, he proceeded to run all 10 racks winning the set. That humbled me back down very quickly! Afterward, he told me, if he would have missed once, I would probably have beaten him. That puffed me right back up again! lol In the early 70s, on a lark with a friend of mine, we entered the Unicorn World Championships at Twin Bridges Marriot outside Washington D.C. There were over 20,000 entries from around the world and 300 dart boards. The event lasted 4 days. Long story short, we placed 8th in the World at that time. Was an incredible 4 days!
As mentioned, I have no formal education to speak of. Onward from 9, my grades were consistently Cs, Ds and Es every year. The teachers would pass me to the next grade believing I would get the hang of it the next year. In the 8th grade in Maryland, while still Swimming, I failed that year. The following year repeating the 8th grade, I quit in the first semester. I believe I was 18 at the time.
Around 1974, after numerous interviews with PhDs and MDs, I worked as a Drug Rehabilitation and Behavioral Modification counselor and naturally became a Personal Development Counselor with 64 kids, some of which are successful with college degrees and families today. This position was the most rewarding in my early life, and further confirmed my passion as a Humanitarian. However, I was forced to resign because most of the therapists had empty offices, since the kids opted to attend my individual and group sessions instead. They really had no choice but to get rid of me.
By 1980, I was thoroughly frustrated with the D.C. Metro areas traditional way of doing just about everything, including business. I went to Southern California believing the mentality there may be much more open to innovation in business and based on what I heard, money flowed there. Well in the first 10 years, this was true. I had several businesses ranging from Raw Land development to Inventing and Patenting a consumer product and ultimately created a new product development, manufacturing and marketing company that specialised in products that were helpful to the environment and health. I have had many partners, bankers for shareholders, and at times over 250 limited partners.
During those times, I would say I was wealthy, having lived several places including Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, Marina City Club in Marina Del Rey, and Hermosa Beach. Lots of hob knobbing with the wealthy and elite. Drove Mercedes and Corvettes and lived the high life. All the while, I was attempting to be helpful directly or through my companies. The only problem was, very few people actually cared about being ‘that’ helpful, since it ate into their profits. So, with all my businesses and high business relationships, I still couldn’t incorporate philanthropies into the business models successfully. I was always surrounded by Greed and Egos fighting over the money. Took me 5 years to untangle myself and then I got the call … my mom was getting close to passing-on in West Virginia. That gave me the final motivation to actually leave, and quickly.
I currently am still involved with Health, Self Improvement, selling my Book 2012 Ego Revelations, a Primer for an ongoing Series, and developing an innovative website system that automatically Donates Funds into various Charities 'during' a Retail purchase.
There are innovative organizations that have been working as 'Forerunners’ leading the way toward a new approach and business models for doing business beyond 2012. My Dream and Vision as a new venture, is now a timely and innovative quest that will arrive in collaboration with these Forerunners in helping set the foundations and trends for a new way of doing Global Business online for our coming generations.
You will find is entirely unique and completely custom with some interesting built in innovations even now. I am confident when you go there and review the site, you will notice a few things I have spoken of here, especially in the About section. My website is dedicated to one Book as a Primer for an ongoing Series relevant to the same topic of the Primer. Relativity Publishing is also my start up and business model for another innovation in publishing and and part of much larger plan envsioned for over 30 years.
Warmest regards, Chris Haletsky
2012 Ego Revelations is a Primer, which sets Key concepts and understandings for an ongoing Series of Books. Each Book in the Series is planned in a specific sequence as they delve deeper into each of the Key concepts in the Primer.
“Sometimes, the Gift lies ‘Inside’ what You don’t know.” By; Chris Haletsky
“Help as many People As You Can, the Best Way You Know How.”“Help as many People As You Can, the Best Way YouKnow How.” By: Chris Haletsky
“Your ‘Self’ Needs No Improvement or Development.” By; Chris Haletsky
“You are ‘Not’ your Ego” By; Chris Haletsky
To avoid redundancy and an onoing dissertation about me here, I have written all content at my website including my chronological Bio and a Read More section disclosing the basics of the historically undisclosed truth of the Ego. And, that is very Good News! ... Not the usual negative inferences throughout recorded history.