“ My purpose is to present a clear, integrated system of management and leadership, together with the corresponding skills to put theory into practice ”.
Chris believes that many people at work are experts in their field: they know their systems, products and customers. Because of that expertise, they are promoted. That means they have to lead, manage and inspire people .
And that is not what they are trained to do.
Chris believes there are people who are looking for a definite method, together with associated skills, and he sets out to provide the support they need.
Chris draws his material from five sources:
Remember, it is follish to fret and worry.
Instead, identify the problem,formulate your best plane
and then overwhelm your troubles with intelligent action
Corporate Coach Group
86-90 Paul StreetLondon
Telephone 020 3856 3008
email Lindsey@CorporateCoachGroup.com
website https://corporatecoachgroup.com/