Cheryl Eastlund-Gowin is a Life Coach.
This is a second career for Cheryl; prior to moving into the counseling arena, she held an executive-level management position in corporate America. Cheryl has always enjoyed teaching and helping people. She brings life experience to individuals, couples and families as they struggle with issues of daily life.
Bachelor of Science, University of Minnesota
MBA , University of North Texas
Masters of Arts in Counseling, Liberty University
Writing Experience
Co Author weekly column Southside Messenger
Contributing Writer, Discovery Counseling E-Newsletter
Editorial board of Personal Strategies - Newsletter , Arthur Young
Sample of Presentations Given
“MS and the Family”, seminar on dealing with MS. Multiple Sclerosis Society
“Grief, Loss and How to Survive”, seminar. Mount Dora Singles
“What color is your Parachute”, Orlando Community Group
“How to Move Your Cheese”, seminar, FIT Employee Meeting
“Dealing with the Stress of Restructuring”, Orbital Communications Employee Group
“Team Work, Creating and Fostering the Right Atmosphere”, Executive Women’s Roundtable
“The Keys to Investing” Women’s Bar Association
"How to Develop a Business Plan to Support an IPO”, Nursing Spectrum
“Steps in Your Retirement and Estate Planning” presented with Wm. Fralin Esq.
"The Current Business Environment", NAFE National Teleconference
"The High Tech Business Plan", TV Special; Business in America Presentation
“The Key Elements of Financial Planning”, Internal Training, LTI
“How to Negotiate an Enterprise-Wide License Agreement”, SAG Software User Group
“Software License Agreements, How to Negotiate with a Customer”, Sales Training
“Recent Development in the Area of Research and Development Expenditures and R&D Credits”, ADAPSO’s International Roundtable
Testified before IRS hearings on behalf of ADAPSO regarding Section 174 Regulations
“Structuring International Operations”, presented at KPMG Software Symposium
“FASB 96” taught through Laventhol & Horwath national training program
“Tax Planning” Laventhol & Horwath Conference
"Federal Tax Changes” Tax Day DCICPA
“Provisions of ERTA”, The American Trucking Association
I bring my bring my life experience to individuals, couples and families to help you with your life struggles. We all have struggles and sometimes we need help in dealing with the issues of life.
At Discovery, we help you "walk from brokenness to healing".