Camille Olivia Strate is a writer, author and Critter Keeper with a passion for sharing her experiences to enhance the lives of others. It is through this passion, or rather, because of it, that most of her writings are delivered in a light-hearted and playful way. Camille believes strongly in the power of humor.
Writing began as an outlet. Inspired by her 10th grade Creative Writing teacher, she followed the path of her words to expel the rage and insecurities she experienced as a young woman. Once she realized just how powerful her words were, she began to write with the express intention of helping other people along their path. A sense of humor, along with candid observations (and a bit of irreverence!) have reached across oceans, to places like Australia & India. A feather in her hat she enjoys wearing every now and then.
Camille has an extraordinary connection with animals. Since childhood, she was their rescuer, always there to assist when the little boys would attempt to do them harm. These creatures and her innate connection with them have enhanced her growing knowledge, awareness, and abilities to help others tune into their own intuition. In short, they have been (and continue to be) among her greatest teachers in the arenas of intuition and compassionate healing.
With the release of her latest book, " Whispers~The Often Subtle Sometimes Rowdy Voice of Truth ", Camille shares her real-life experiences in anecdote style, engaging her readers with wit and humor. Whispers is no "how-to" book. It is a storybook. One that will inspire those who read it to listen for the whispers of their own lives, to enhance their journeys as they travel down the marvelous road of Life.
Her credo is simple:
Joy is a CHOICE. (guess who gets to choose?)
The following are sites that offer some of my favorite tools; things that have made a difference in my world, things that make me smile, things that continue to teach me to grow. They're just suggestions, of course, but with the vast number of choices out there, sometimes it helps to 'narrow down' the options. Kind of like when you go to one of those restaurants that have menus as big as's just too much, you know?!Choices outta be FUN, not a tangle of aggravation. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
TUT'S ADVENTURER'S CLUB ~ This is one of the most fun sites I've ever visited. Mike Dooley is a splendid man who inspires us to HAVE FUN creating our world. To know him is to love him! A truly creative spirit with lots to offer. (His "Notes from the Universe" books are absolutely fantastic.) Go have a look!
THE TEACHINGS OF ABRAHAM ~ I just love these folks. Esther & Jerry Hicks have been sharing these wonderful insights for well over 20 years. Their books are terrific, but their seminars (and subsequent tapings/videos/etc.) are priceless. The kind of stuff you can listen to over and over, each time different because of your own changes from one listen to the next. Truly the stuff of Magick...and joyful living.
WHISPERS ~ It would be silly to exclude this little gem. Yes, it's my gem, but don't let that stop you from having a look at the offering. This is not a 'how-to' kind of book. It's a story book, a TRUE story book that may just inspire you to listen to your own Whispers. We all have them. Mostly though, folks ignore them because they're not certain what they are or where they're coming from. Or else, they're just plain resistant. Whatever the case, it seems to me that the more we listen, the more we hear. And the more we hear, the more we're led to our Authentic Self. Isn't that what it's all about?
"All our progress is an unfolding, like a vegetable bud.You have first an instinct, then an opinion, then a knowledge as the plant has root,, bud and fruit. Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
"And the day came when the risk to remain to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin
"Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change but pretty soon...everything's different." ~ Calvin (from "Calvin and Hobbes")
"Your motion forward is inevitable; it must be. You cannot help but move forward. But you are not here on a quest to move forward ~ you are here to experience OUTRAGEOUS JOY. That is why you are here." ~ from the Teachings of Abraham
Camille Strate is a blossoming Being who spends much of her time writing. She also spends an immense amount of time romping with the critters, walking in the woods, and listening to the trees. She is currently working on her second book.
If you'd like to engage your own magick, or get some help with that...or just help yourself to a joy-full little respite....your best bet is to visit her website.
{HIGHLY recommended!} JoyZAChoice!
One more thing...this whole idea of writing in "third person" is kind of weird...but somehow I thought it might appear a bit more objective. Not sure about all your feedback is welcome. I'm a work in progress....{is there anyone who isn't ???}