Barbara Morris, 79, is a pharmacist and author of "Put Old on Hold" and soon to be released "Why Women Become Little Old Ladies Before They Are Old." She publishes a monthly content-rich newsletter designed to help midlife and younger women improve and retain current youthful attributes for at least another 25 years. Her expertise has been cited in Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansen's book, "How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life." Newsletter signup at . The accompanying photo is current.
Old age, and especially dependent and debilitated old age is big business. Every midlife woman needs to recognize this and must have a plan to make her chronological "old age" as vibrant, dynamic and ageless as possible.
By age 40, every woman needs to decide what kind of life she wants when she is 75. She can do it if she reads my book, "Put Old on Hold."