As a neuropsychologist I should have known better. It wasnit until I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in my mid forties that I began extensive research in brain fitness and cognitive rehabilitation. Knowing that this disease would do more than "shake me up;" it would also impair my attention, memory, vision, and place me at a high risk for early onset dementia. I had the privilege at the time to be studying under the tutelage of Dr. Alan Mirsky, PhD, then Chief of Neuropsychological Research for the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD). His advice was blunt and to the point: "if you think medications alone will save your life, do your family a favor, buy a gravesite and plan your funeral."
He then challenged me to study the emerging research in neurogenesis and neuroplasticity-- the brain's ability, when properly stimulated to create neural cells and networks throughout the lifespan.
That opened an entirely new world.
I discovered first for myself and later for my patients that utilizing evidence-based brain fitness tools one could not only help damaged brains recover but improve overall brain health resulting in personal growth, mindfulness, and experiencing the world with an energized mind.
The result? For me, improved attention and memory, but finally completing my goal to qualify for and run the Boston Marathon (2008). I always thought I wasn't the "running type," but a targeted brain fitness program helped me to realize possibilities I never imagined.
I've seen many similiar changes in our numerous clients experiencing a world of greater meaning and success as a result of participation in the various brain fitness programs we offer. I've witnessed people with debilitating brain disorders discover an improved quality of life they never imagined. After a 2.5 year pilot study at our clinic, my staff and I, utilzing the research of neuroscientists throughout the world, put this program in place. We now have our own evidence that when it comes to the brain:
1. Use it or Lose it.
2. Your brain wants to grow throughout your life span.
3. The brain can utilize amazing undiscovered abilities in spite of disabilities.
The results: overall health improvement, improved memory and attention, and most of all-- using your mind to fulfill your dreams.
Please email me for powerpoint presentations on the numerous presentations my staff and I have given on brain fitness.
Will RogersYou know you've got to exercise your brain just like your muscles.
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Or contact our office: or phone us at 540-437-4820
Commonwealth Psychological Services, PLC
CPS NeuroCare, LLC
2322 Bue Stone Hills Drive, Suite 280
Harrisonburg, VA 22801