Nicknamed “The New Millennium's Dear Abby” by the media, April Masini writes what Dear Abby will never print, and what your shrink doesn’t have the guts to tell you. That’s why she is America's foremost online dating and relationship advice expert, as well as the best-selling author of four books: Date Out Of Your League, Think & Date Like A Man, Romantic Date Ideas and Ideas for A Fun Date.
It’s also why she’s gone one-on-one with Bill O’Reilly on FOXs’ O’Reilly Factor ( Click here to view the video (13MB) ), become a favorite expert of MSN , and a fixture of (just to name a few). April doesn’t hold back -- she’s frank, she's direct, and she's brutally honest. And that’s what readers (and the press) want, and keep coming back for: The Truth. April has a bold, gutsy, tell-it-like-it-is style that readers have been craving, but couldn’t find -- until now.
That whirlwind and buzz, along with the audience swell to standing room only for her initial dating seminar "for men only" (which sold out in under two hours), prompted April to write her now best-selling book, Date Out Of Your League , followed by it's counter part for women, Think & Date Like A Man .
With over 2,750 national and international articles and opinion pieces, radio and television shows, including those on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, Univision, CNN, MSN, E! Entertainment, LifetimeTV, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, New York Daily News, Newsday, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, Cosmo, Maxim, Men's Health, Wired,, WebMD, Yahoo!, iVilliage,, and USA Today -- April captivates readers, viewers and listeners alike -- and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
April started her career as a model and an actress and has since become a best-selling author, columnist, persuasive public speaker, and President/CEO of Masini Television & Film Enterprises, LLC in Honolulu , and Masini Enterprises, Inc. in Los Angeles. April has been a driving force in the entertainment industry for more than a decade. Among other things, she raised tens of millions of dollars in financing for internationally recognized television and feature film productions, including Baywatchand Blue Crush; produced Destination Stardom and was co-chair and event coordinator for the 1998 Miss Universe Pageant.
April is known for her development and implementation of successful entertainment legislation and educational contests and programs, revolutionary marketing concepts, and campaign strategies. The relocation of Baywatch to Hawaii netted 125 jobs for Hawaii residents and delivered over $66 million of international media exposure and advertising from a $2.7 million dollar investment.
April, and her former husband Al, were acknowledged by Governor Ben Cayetano of Hawaii in 'Imi Loa Magazine' with "almost single-handedly reviving Hawaii's television industry" and resulted in the offical proclamation of June 4th "Masini Day".
"Positive thoughts produce positive results. Negative thoughts produce negative results. Attitude communicates your opinion of yourself, of other people, of business, and of life in general. Your thoughts become your reality. You become what you think about most."
"There are only two kinds of people in the world: Those who think they can, and those who think they can't. Both are right"
"The windows to the soul sometimes need window treatments."
"Most people are indecisive. And indecisiveness almost always equals failure. It is paralyzing. It is debilitating. And perhaps no where is this more true than in romantic endeavors."
“Honor your divorce and your new life the same way you honored your marriage....And if you didn't honor your marriage, learn your lesson and honor your divorce.”
“Men are different from women, and that's the bottom line. They have different needs and ways of expressing themselves. If a man doesn't call, he's not interested in making the time to call. But a woman will spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out all the reasons he hasn't called, rather than just ... moving on.”
“If you think flirting is corny, think again. Flirting is teasing, and teasing builds anticipation.”
"These three little words are loaded with implications and expectations, but not always the same ones for each individual ... One person may say ‘I love you’ purely to communicate how much they enjoy being with you, others say it as a way to indicate they’d like to make their relationship exclusive.”
“If he makes a joke and you laugh so hard your face hurts, but everything else isn't in place, make a list of his assets and liabilities. Include his sense of humor as an asset, but remember that it isn't everything. On the other hand, if everything else is in place, don’t let him get away.”
Visit for relationship and dating advice, to purchase my books, and to learn more about me.