As a former professional athlete, Annette Lynch (formerly Huygens-Tholen) has been through the transition after sport and knows the challenges athletes face on retirement. She understands that a successful transition is more than stopping sport or choosing a new career. First retiring from beach volleyball after competing in the Sydney Olympics, 2000, Annette experienced the confusion, lack of direction and the loss of significance that sport had given her.After 6 years and 2 attempted-retirements Annette discovered the secret keys that could unlock the past and enabled her to re-create success in anything she set her mind to. She studied personal leadership and became a certified Master Results Coach and a Trainer and Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic programming and created the Annetteffect!
Annette has taught for one of the world's biggest coaching and training organisations - Christopher Howard Companies , and keeps up with the latest in the science and technology of human transformation. Her book, “Success beyond Sport” teaches 8 winning points to help athletes (and anybody) transition to success. Programs include:
Annette Lynch has walked the path and used the tools in her program to transform her own life. Those who are motivated to create a new fulfilling career and rich life can make their dreams come true.
Annette's background includes qualification as a Physiotherapist, studies in marketing and freelance journalism. She has also worked in Corporate Health, educating on health and injury prevention, as well as experience in business operations and sales management.
Somewhere in your make-up there lies sleeping the seed of achievement which, if aroused and put into action, would carry you to heights such as you may never hoped to attain. Just as a master musciain may cause the most beautiful strains of music to pour forth from the strings of a violin, so may you arouse the genius which lies asleep in your brain, and cause it to drive you upward to whatever goal you may wish to achieve.
~Napolean Hill~
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