You’re a compassionate and creative person who has a dream in your heart to connect with people in a helping and healing way. You want that to be expressed in everything you do. The problem is that professionally you’ve hit a wall. You want to fulfill your potential, be happy, and know how life can be fun. You want to believe that if you pursue your passion, the money will follow, but that’s just the dreamer in you talking. That's not realistic.
Here's the deal - if you think it’s impossible, it is. I know it is possible to have your cake and eat it too. I know you can help others, express yourself creatively, set your own terms, and be free from worries about money. I know because I’m living proof. 10 years ago I was an unhappy administrative assistant who took antidepressants because I wanted to feel better. I knew I could be doing so much more. I just wasn’t.
That’s when coaching saved me. I deeply understand the coaching process and what needs to happen for you to step into your greatness, having been coached myself. I take each of my clients through an intense, intimate, and proven process that has helped hundreds of people change their lives. I received my certification from Frame of Mind Coaching and offer my clients the best in online coaching and thought management techniques. I have my bachelor of science in psychology and masters level coursework in counseling.
As your coach, I’m not here to convince you that you can do what you love and everything else will work out fine because you obviously don't believe that right now. I’m here to show you a new way of thinking about yourself, your life, your relationships, and your circumstances that frees you up to see and receive everything you’ve been longing for. I will give you the tools to get what you really, really want. The result is a feeling of lightness and freedom that's been missing for a long time.
I can't wait to help you! Contact me to set up a conversation.
"The way you think about things determines your results. Your perspective can launch you ahead, immobilize you, or set you back a few paces."
"Taking any leap of faith starts even before you tell other people you're going to do it. It starts in your mind."
"Your role is to keep designing, to notice the movement of it, to find the essence of it all, to keep letting go of what has happened, and to keep moving on to your next creation."
"The beauty is in the motion. The beauty is in the practice. The beauty is in doing the work. The beauty is in starting over. The beauty is in having a little more knowledge about the subject matter each time you go back to the paper."
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