My name is Amanté Samraj Riethausen. I work as Healer and Teacher since more than 19 years. The last 13 years I have been focussed on teaching the DORN-Method mostly to Professionals like Physical Therapists, Physiotherapists, Masseurs, Massagers or Health Practitioners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.My enthusiasm for this DORN - Method is very big. Receiving so many gifts all the years in working with it, created the wish to share this with more people worldwide.
In Germany about 37 years ago was a Spine Healing method developed and presented by a layman-healer. Dieter Dorn used this therapy for his family at first. It then grows to the situation, through the visible success and word of mouth, that every evening around 15-20 people asked for a treatment.
Dieter Dorn usually did it for free, but taking donations. His work was so successful that therapists of all kind and people who have been suffering for longtime, put their attention on this very easy, but wonderful effective method. This site will honour his work and contribute to the worldwide use.
The spine - connection between brain and body
The spine with the nerve-centre (Medulla spinalis) in it, is an important part to distribute the flowing energy into the whole body. All organs and physical functions are controlled from within the spine. Each vertebra is connected to a certain organ or important for the right function of the body. A spine which is really functioning and healthy is base of health and becoming/staying healthy.
98% of the people have over the years one or more vertebrae which are no more in alignment and which are no more on the right position within the spine. At these places the energy gets lost and can not be delivered in the necessary amount to the places in the body where it is needed. Energy blockages are created. These energy blockages can lead to back pain. "Pain is the call for flowing energy in the body". When the energy is blocked then even many illnesses like headache, insomnia, allergies, rushes, pain in the neck, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, gall bladder problems, disturbances in the circulation, tiredness, constipation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and much more can develop.
The Spinal nerves leaving the spine, are our „wires“ driving the body
If vertebrae or discs (Disci vertebralis) are out of order, irritations or inflammations on the nerves, which are coming out of the spine, can happen.These irritations are able to disturb the function of the body for instance in the organs itself or in the limbs. This can lead to various diseases or organs or limbs will be so effected that their function will become very weak or gets lost. A spinal nerve (nervi spinalis) getting the weight of the pressure of a cube of sugar, can lose up to 50% of it‘s efficiency. Through a vertebra out of alignment or a disc, a nerve can easily be touched and being irritated. If a nerve will totally be pressured, limbs or organs would immediately stop working.
The DORN-METHOD- a natural diagnosis and treatment for misalignment within the spine
This from the German, Dieter DORN, located in the Allgäu in Germany, about 36 years ago, intuitive received method, is based to diagnose, under the help of the thumbs, the vertebrae which are no more in alignment. Normally all Processus spinosus are in an exact vertical alignment. The vertebrae which are out of alignment, will be corrected in a smooth and effective way under specific movement of the patient itself. With the light pressure of the thumb, the vertebrae slides under movement of legs, arms or head, back to it‘s ideal settlement. This works too with the more difficult areas as the sacrum, the pelvis, hips or the Atlas vertebra. It is no chiropractic. The therapist is creating a „new“ vertically spinal column, which is the base for the right flow of energy in the body. Even tendencies of scolioses can be treated successfully. After correcting the spine, to have real success, it is necessary that some factors are implemented. One is the need of even leg length and a second one is to stop being in a habit to do something in an unhealthy way, like for instance carrying something always on one side or overcrossing the legs while sitting.
Even leg length - the basis for a healthy spine
If the founding of the spine, the pelvis and the hips are out of order, the spine can only correct this through side movements of the vertebrae. After birth, about 98% of the people have even leg length. But when you do a diagnosis later with people from 5 years old on and with adults, you will find that 95% have no even leg length. The cause for this is a subluxation of the hip joint. This happens as a cause of over stretching ligaments and muscles in this area. This will be caused by careless sitting, driving in the car, bad habits while sitting or doing unappropriate sports.
Every treatment starts with a test for even leg length. If the test fails, people get exercises at the hand, to do it for themselves at home for a period of approximately 3 months at first. After the correction of different leg length, shoes which are made specifically to adjust this difference, are often not any more necessary.
Back problems and the "Switch" in the pelvis
It has come out very clearly over the years of practical experience with the DORN-METHOD, that the alignment of the pelvis parts like Os sacrum and Ala ossis ilii is of central meaning, that the spine can itself align correctly in the vertical direction. In many cases it is like magic, what a spine can do after the right treatment of the pelvis parts to align it's parts correctly. Without doing anything on the spine itself or the vertebrae, the spine adjusted itself in the correct direction of the vertical, natural expression. The DORN-METHOD is the only method I know which serves in this direction without manipulate the body, only forcing him to remember where it's ideal alignment is situated. We can't push the body to do something what it is not able to do. We offer special treatment and the body does the work for itself!
98% of the people have over the years one or more vertebrae which are no more in alignment and which are no more on the right position within the spinal column. At these spots the energy gets lost and can not be delivered in the necessary amount to the places in the body, where it is needed. Energy blockages are created. These energy blockages can lead to back pain. "Pain is the call for flowing energy in the body". When the energy is blocked, then even many illnesses like headache, insomnia, allergies, rushes, pain in the neck, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, gall bladder problems, disturbances in the circulation, tiredness, constipation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and much more can develop.
Do we have to repeat the treatment with the DORN-METHOD to be successful?
Mostly after one treatment most of the problems and pains are gone or improved. Results are to get mostly very quickly. After treatment people feel "taller", more free and it seems to be lighter. Sometimes it is necessary to be out of the pain, to let follow some treatments, this in the case of severe disorder. Normally 1 to 3 treatments do a lot and regain the original condition of the body. It would be ideal to have 2 to 4 treatments with the DORN-METHOD a year to take care of the right condition of the spine! It would prevent many deseases and would help to be free of pain.
What is important to know after a treatment with the DORN-METHOD?
Naturally the muscles have to react to the new alignment of the vertebras. This can take a few days and has often as attendant symptoms stiffness or sore muscles which can be felt for a few days, mostly only 2 to 3 days. The next 2 to 3 days after treatment, no big efforts should be made and the body should be treated with care. Through the new use of muscles and muscles groups some feeling of soreness can be felt. Sports, Gymnastic, Stretching and so on should be avoided, to give the body a good chance to integrate the new alignments. Like in Homoeopathy sometimes symptoms can become worse at first. That is a good sign that the body is correcting itself accordingly.
In addition through the new flow of energy in the back, toxic deposits will be released and are moving into the bodies circulatory system. To dilute them and to make it easy for the body to take them out it is necessary to drink 2 to 3 liters of fresh water. This directly after the treatment (same day) and for the next 2 to 3 days would be a good support for the body.
What can happen in addition after a back treatment with the DORN-METHOD?
Often on the places where the vertebras have been in misalignment for longtime, emotional, psychological or mental blockages have been manifested. In release the misalignments the blockages are resolved and psychical or emotional release can be felt. With this the energy flow increases and the healing of the treated person can move forward. So it is not uncommon that people after the treatment ave been aware of old inner pictures, emtions and feelings, even smells or bad tastes can be observed to come up.
Is it possible to harm someone with a treatment with the DORN-METHOD?
During the last 37 years of treatment with the DORN-METHOD nobody has been harmed. The method is working very soft and no damage of muscles or tendons or intervertebral discs is possible.
Use the DORN-METHOD for self-help or to help others.Participants in the seminar take it in turns to practice the DORN-METHOD, and then experience the benefits first hand. The teacher will show you the best way to do the techniques, and make sure that everything that you ever do by yourself, or with another person, will be absolutely risk-free.
The seminar takes two days to learn. In these two days you will learn basic and advanced techniques back-to-back. Each seminar is part theory and part practice.
The seminar is designed for all hands-on health professionals and interested lay people. There are no special prerequisites to learn the DORN-METHOD method. It is easy to learn. The theory sessionsare simple without sacrificing information that is vital for anyone working with the body in a hands-on therapeutic environment.
The only requirement is an interest and willingness to learn something new and unusual that will improve a person’s health outlook for life.
After the seminar, all those taking part will be able to use this method with confidence. As you would expect, the method has to be practiced after the seminar to expand and deepen the skills that are acquired.
The seminar will offer the following :
Everything in the course is explained in complete detail.
It is all shown in gradual steps so that you don’t miss any important details, and can easily copy each demonstration. The author, Amanté Samraj, has had more than 12 years experience in educating, training and coaching thousands of people who work in the Health care Business. He has also shown many thousands of people who come as lay people to the seminars, and go home able to use this method just as successfully as many health professionals.
Amanté Samraj is offering classes for the "DORN Spinal Therapy" worldwide for all Medical Professionals like Physical Therapists, Physiotherapists, Masseurs, Massagers, Health Professionals, Natural Therapists, Orthopedists -- and even interested lay people.
Please visit