Welcome, I describe myself as a connected and caring Mentor and Psychic, relating to who you are now, then in seeing your highest path, the strategies are revealed giving you confidence as you reclaim your power.
Intuitively, the meanings to your challenges are revealed in language and feelings that you will understand.
I have an ability to 'read' your unconscious mind, body and soul, which will uncover your life's purposeful journey and the steps to take, that are harmonious and inspiring.
Life gives us many challenges; emotional wellbeing, limiting beliefs, career, relationships, health and family conditioning. I understand what it takes to go from disempowerment to empowerment, it takes self love.
Lovingly, uncovering your path and that which sabotages you will open up your heart and turn around your life.
We all want to live our authentic life, I have been gifted a unique skill of psychic intuitive, which I invite you to share in to develop your own clarity and creative power.
For more information visit: www.balancedbeing.com.au
Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist. Self Empowerment Educator and Well Being Expert
'Thank you so much Allanah,
Today's session was particularly moving for me, I have been searching for so many years to find somehow or someone who could help me get rid of what was cleared out today! The work I am doing with you is transforming my life so rapidly and profoundly, it is the most effective self development work I have ever done! I feel so much lighter, words cannot describe!!!
Eternally grateful!!!!!' Todd Lee Jan 2011
"The Resting place of the mind is in the heart, just sit in silence with your heart and your mind will find peace"
"Let your love flow and your light shine"......
"Your soul longs to feel love and see that love mirrored back as a reflection of the highest love and light...."
Personal Consultation:
Life Direction Session $190
Psychic Intuition and Deep Soul mentoring to discover your path and heart’s desires. Get meaning to your life’s challenges by accessing my powerful subconscious and psychic abilities. I read your sabotages and give you practical energy changing strategies that will break you out of those patterns. These sessions will uncover your limiting beliefs that are in your subconscious. From this information, you will have material to work with to move into the more authentic you. Bust through emotional and mental blocks and transform in short periods of time. Learn about your soul and its journey through lifetimes and what it wants to experience here.
I work with your guides and mine to read your aura that is your energetic field, to bring information to your consciousness that is relative to you now. It is not predictive, but practical strategies changing your energy blocks, emotions and thinking patterns, moving you through to transformation. Whatever you need most will come through in these sessions:
Available in person with Allanah and via distance, over the phone. Consultation forms avialable via email admin@balancedbeing.com.au
Balanced Being Holistic Health Spiritual Transformation through your Emotions & Mind www.balancedbeing.com.au www.selfempowermentonline.com e: admin@balancedbeing.com.au p: International 61+ 432 568 552 p: In Australia 432 568 552 Available via phone and Skype