I am the founder of Eco-Minded Club, organizer, guide and translator at Dolmen Tours and Vedic Russia spiritual Retreats. Here you can read more about my life path: https://ecominded.net/your-guide-and-translator
You shall have the opportunity to visit the dolmens, aged from five to ten thousand years, a fascinating Shetinin's school, the only school of its kind in Russia and probably in the World, ancient stone outcrops, the "Star gates" and other sacred places of Krasnodar region.
The tour will take place on the territory of Russia in Krasnodar region, near the Black sea and Gelendzhik city.
Gelendzhik is the site of scientific-practical conferences, bards concerts,various gatherings and meetings.
Today we can by rights call the city of Gelendzhik a centre of ecological and spiritual tourism.
For details - https://ecominded.net/tour
Email: radaryu@gmail.com
"The movement to create ecovillages is perhaps the most comprehensive antidote to dependence on the global economy. Around the world, people are building communities that attempt to get away from the waste, pollution,competition and violence of contemporary life. The Global Ecovillage Network links several of these communities worldwide."
~ Helena Norberg-Hodge,
Director of the International Society for Ecology & Culture (ISEC)
See what is happening now in the world: Ecovillage movement is well-spread around the world.
On the top of the wave an ecovillage of new type - ecovillage of Kin's domains has been born showing the sollution to many global problems.
Kovcheg (The Ark) is one of the most successfull ecovillages of Kin's domains in Russia.
The whole idea may be said in three sentences:
"Our settlement is based on family owned land where each family owns one hectare of land to be kept in the family for generations. One hectare with woods, fruit trees, garden and a small pond can provide the family with all of life’s necessities. By using long ignored methods of cultivating the earth and harvesting in the context of preserving the earth for future generations, this hectare of land will produce enough for the family’s use with surplus..."
You may find a lot of details about Kovcheg in English here -
Yes, living naturally is an essential part of the idea Space of Love.
However the idea is deeper. It may be called: "Back to the Future!" Co-Creating of a Space of Love immutably involves reuniting through all generations of the Kin, from the Past and to the Future.
My life vision is Green Beautiful Earth.My purpose is changing Global Reality to Space of Love. :)
With this in mind we created Eco-Minded Club - https://ecominded.net
Please help us to spread the word.
Do think of it as YOUR gift to the world. The more you share these resources - maybe even by sending on this greeting to your e-list and friends, and ask THEM to share and pass it on as well - the more you are becoming the change we need so much right now. It is the change we are all co-creating together, one subscription, one inspiration at a time. Exponential growth happens quickly, as you know, five people tell ten people tell twenty more friends...and before we know it, the whole world will be sharing what is so dear to our own hearts. Creating hope and a new vision for each other has never been easier than right now - and the resources for it all are right in your newest issue. Let's hold hands, and yes, co-create the world we all deserve and need so much - the paradise which already lives in our very souls.The forces of Love and Light are closer and more ready to touch us now than at any other time of the year. So let's engage their help - they LOVE what we are all doing!!