Welcome to my expert page here on Selfgrowth.com.
My name is Toni Mackenzie and I am a fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, EFT Practitioner and Reiki Master/Healer. I have my own private practice in Altrincham, Cheshire, just south of Manchester UK, and work with couples, individuals and groups helping them use the power of positive thinking to change their lives for the better.
I began training as a therapist in 1995 after experiencing a major upheaval in my life. My previous career was as an air stewardess, when I spent around ten years travelling, and working with a wide range of personalities, before meeting and marrying my ex-husband, (an airline pilot).
I gave up my career intending to start a family and after years of trying to conceive, followed by infertility tests and treatment, my ex-husband and I were blessed and delighted to be able to adopt, first of all our newly born son and then two and a half years later, our baby daughter. However, after ten years, and two years after the birth of our daughter, our marriage ended and I found myself as a single parent and sole provider for my two very young children.
The privileged life I was used to had suddenly come to an unexpected end and, virtually homeless and penniless, I could have very easily allowed myself to sink into a state of depression and take on a victim mentality (which I initially felt like doing!), but from somewhere within me I managed to find the inner strength to think positively and begin to take the neccessary steps towards starting a new life for myself and my children.
I decided to further my keen interest in the human mind and personality by returning to college and beginning to study Psychology in 1995, and around this time I read some very encouraging and inspirational books including 'Feel the fear and do it anyway' by Susan Jeffers, 'You can heal your life' by Louise Hay and 'The power of positive thinking' by Norman Vincent Peale. I then decided to begin training for a new career as a therapist, and I went on to qualify as a counsellor, receiving my Diploma in Counselling in 1998 after working in NHS and charitable organisation placements during my training period.
Whilst travelling along my new path I studied Practical Philosophy & Spirituality, and Complementary Therapies, and received my First, Second and Master Level Attunements in Reiki Healing, and Diplomas in Reflexology and Nutritional Therapy.
I have also read many, many books on self healing, self development, self empowerment and the mind, body, spirit connection.
Whilst studying Practical Philosophy & Spirituality (which involved regular meditation), some of the books I found particularly life changing, as well as those mentioned earlier, were 'Awareness' by Anthony de Mello, 'Love is Letting go of Fear' by Gerald Jampowlsky, 'A Return to Love' by Marianne Williamson, 'The Road Less Travelled' by M. Scott Peck and 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle.
As I became more and more aware of the incredible power of the mind and how it affects our beliefs and feelings, I continued to update my knowledge and skills by studying hypnosis and hypnotherapy. I successfully completed my training in Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Psychology and Psychotherapy, with The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, and received my Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and Advanced Certificate in Therapeutic Hypnosis. I then went on to complete further training courses in NLP and EFT, followed by a Life Coaching Certificate course, enabling me to now be able to offer a very effective combination of therapies and techniques which I feel are faster and more effective aids towards positive change than traditional counselling or psychotherapy alone.
During my years as a therapist and life coach, I have provided one to one therapy/coaching, relationship counselling, and self-help group work within various different organisations including the NHS, Primary Care, and private charitable organisations. Some of the personal issues I have helped people overcome, or deal with in a more positive way, include anxiety, stress, depression, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, loss, bereavement, relationship problems, fears, phobias, panic attacks, insomnia, physical pain, public speaking, smoking, gambling, excessive drinking, recreational drugs, weight problems, eating disorders, sports performance, childbirth, infertility, the menopause and serious illnesses.
I am experienced in facilitating courses and workshops on topics including The Power of Positive Thinking, Stress Managenent, Using Emotional Freedom Technique to make Positive Changes, Building Self-esteem and Confidence, Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends, and Rebuilding Self Esteem When Recovering From a Serious Illness.
When I look back over the years, I can see how all my learning and experiences have very positively turned my life around and as I continue to learn and grow, my passion is to share my knowledge, experiences, warmth and empathy with others. I believe that I am now doing the work I am here to do, helping others to become aware of the importance of creating our own reality by using the power of our minds in a positive way rather than a negative one, and that life doesn't have to feel miserable or unfulfilled, once we take control of our thoughts.
For more information please visit my website www.innerdepths.co.uk
IMAGINE....just how good it would feel....to be in control of your mind rather than allowing it to control you ....IMAGINE....just how good it would feel....to live your life free from emotional, mental and physical pain.... Toni Mackenzie can show you how YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR LIFE....and help you to discover THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING....IMAGINE that!
Toni says 'I fully embrace The Law of Attraction, which basically tells us that when we choose positive thoughts and expectations, we experience positive feelings, which then give out positive vibrations. What we send out returns back to us as these positive vibrations attract to us positive people and experiences. However, this also works when we allow ourselves to dwell on negative thoughts, so it would serve us all to remember some of my favourite quotations, listed below.'
'Thoughts become things - make them good ones!' Mike Dooley (The Secret).
'If you think you can do a thing, or you think you can't do a thing, you're right' Henry Ford.
'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve' Napoleon Hill.
'No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent' Eleanor Roosevelt
...and The Serenity Prayer - 'God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two.' Reinhold Niebuhr.
Visit Toni's website www.innerdepths.co.uk for more information or you can contact her by calling 07845 188869 or email toni@innerdepths.co.uk
You can speak to Toni by calling her on 07845 188869 or you can email her at toni@innerdepths.co.uk