Stan Pontiere, former writer/photographer for The AP and The New York Times, Now, as I have retired from the work a day world, I have dedicated my life to the Evolution of Consciousness of all mankind by helping one person at a time live the life of their dreams. With my former background as a newsman, I am a natural skeptic and avid researcher. The vision of my website is to help my readers get past all of the hype of internet marketing and present articles and program reviews that are based on proven science to help my readers achieve true wealth, success and self fulfillment. By the combined use of your limitless mind power and taking massive congruent action, you can live the life of your deepest dreams.
I have been a self help geek since I was first given a copy of Think and Grow Rich way back in 1958 at the tender age of 12. I have personally read thousand of articles, books and personal development programs. Until recently, I found that much of the earlier work was effective. But, ever since the promise of the "Secret", internet marketers have been creating and promoting self-help products that have little substance and prey on modern mans propensity for immediate gratification. So many of these new programs little more than wishful thinking and success without work that I became disgusted and opened my website to help people cut through the hype and achieve real success in their lives. Even some of the older programs are based upon tradition and urban legend and lack true effectiveness. Some of the icons of personal developments have taken offense to my posts but if you are on the path to wealth, success and self fulfillment, you need programs that are based on real-life effectiveness.
By the way: My PhD is a self-awarded Doctorate in Getting Things Done.I did this after I saw hypnotist/internet marketer Steve Jones giving out certifications as hypnotherapists and NLP Practitioners from a certification company that he created and owns. It disturbs me that someone can get a certification to mess around inside my head with nothing more than a couple weeks of an online course with no direct supervision. To me, that is the equivalent of becoming a medical doctor through a non-acccreditated mail order degree.
Free4All-numerous free reports-on my website, I have numerous free e-books and reports available with no registration or email address required. Please visit:
As Einstein said: Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.