Hi I am Dr. Sherrie! Welcome to my experts page. I love all visitors. Let me introduce myself. I am a licensed Psychologist with over nineteen years of clinical training and experience. I earned my Ph.D. in 2003. I believe one of the most powerful steps in Self Love we can take is asking for mentoring, therapy or guidance. I consider myself to be an out-of-the-box psychologist in that I feel that each human being is completely unique. What this means to me is that to use just one treatment type or modality would be a limiting way to approach any one person. Therefore, I use all types of differing approaches to get into the very nooks and crannies of each person’s individual and multidimensional way of thinking, feeling, behaving and interacting in their world and relationships.
I have worked with eating disorders, low self-esteem, body image issues, self-hatred, guilt, grief, trauma, life threatening diseases such as cancer and AIDS, not fitting in, bullying, abandonment, loneliness, sex issues, isolation, not feeling good enough, lack of motivation, fear, sadness, death and dying, and hopelessness. I have also worked with people in their most successful moments, glorious highs and dreams achieved. It is always important to see the good! Therapy is not just about the negative. It is about the WHOLE experience of life, the good and the bad. One not being more important than the other. Therapy is an enriching process as much as it is a healing process. We can be as enriched by talking about our roads to success as we can be enriched by discussing our perceived mistakes. What I have learned from each person that has crossed my path is that emotions are the universal language. The emotions connect all of us together because we feel emotions the same way.
I draw from many disciplines one being neuroscience. This way I know exactly how the brain is working, recording information, processing circumstances and then reacting to the world from old programming. I see neuroscience as the vehicle to reprogram ourselves into new, healthier and more aware human beings. Our old programs are what keep us reactive rather than responsive. The goal is to gain insights into the old program so we can respond to the world and circumstances with a certain amount of patience and composure. When the new program begins to settle in we are able to make decisions from a place of intelligence and understanding.
I also draw from the Humanistic philosophy. I believe in being open and interactive in my sessions so as to establish a real relationship with each person I work with. When there is a genuine back and forth in a relationship I am better able to assess where people are going wrong in their relationship worlds. Along those lines I also see myself as somewhat of a coach. I am here to give you advice and new behaviors to practice. I am not here to simply listen each session. People seek guidance to instigate change and my purpose in the lives of my patients is to effect that change.
Other modalities I use are psychodynamic, movie therapy, projective therapy, reality therapy, Human Design, cognitive behavioral therapy, and positive psychology, neurolinguistic programming, choice therapy, attachment theory, journal writing and reading. When seeking any type of guidance the goal should be to love your Self. All positive relationships we have are born out of the love we first establish within.
My immediate advise to you….love yourself.
www.sherriecampbellphd.com, sherrietherapy@aol.com
The best way to start learning about me is to view my website at www.sherriecampbellphd.com