Sheeba Riyas is an author,motivational speaker and founder of UToL, the revolutionary scientific personal development platform.
Having studied and researched the complex structures of scientific theories such as the Chaos Theory and Quantum Physics, she is reaching out to thousands of people from all walks of life in an effort to bring out the best in each person.
UToL goes beyond motivation and self development. It reveals the real person within the biological infrastructure that connects one to the Universe.
UToL was founded after an exhaustive research of complex infrastructures of the Chaos Theory and Quantum Physics. The theories developed from these studies are applicable to every aspect of life. They provide highly predictable results to issues pertaining to every part of life through unconventional, revolutionary methods.
I believe in bringing out the best in every person I meet because I believe that each one of us deserves to benefit from UToL.
You are so much more than you think you are and it will be worth finding out!
To begin with, you can visit my official blog,; which is updated regularly. I do write about various topics that range from pregnancy to mind control, as UToL is a vast subject.
If you come from this part of the world, you may contact me through phone for booking seminars. As the UToL website is presently under construction, you will have to check on the availablity personally.
The new UToL website will comprise of an exclusive forum, audio and video seminars,live chat consultation facility and an online store. This website will be launched by May 2009.
If you would like to request for a seminar or article on any particular topic from UToL, you may do so via email at or through the official blog.
I can be reached via email at or phone (+914445548156)
I also welcome enquiries and comments on my web portal,
My online profiles are as follows: - -