Seth Manne is the inspired author of the newly published book entitled "MANIFESTING THE ULTIMATE: PERFECT HEALTH, MASSIVE WEALTH, TRUE LOVE AND INFINITE HAPPINESS. The book offers what Mr. Manne calls the "missing element" in 99% of the presentations relating to Law of Attraction on the market today. Law of Attraction is a term that was coined by an author about one hundred years ago and it is experiencing a new found popularity due to a certain leading author in the field of manifestation.
Seth Manne is an expert on the "Seth Material" which was written by Jane Roberts. Jane was a best selling author and known in some circles as the mother of literary channeling. She died in the late 70's but still has a massive following. She channeled a conscious energy mass who called himself Seth for lack of a better name. One of her best selling books opened with the line "I am writing this book even though I am not focused in a physical body". Though her premise involving channeling was difficult for some people to accept, her body of work has been hailed as trail blazing masterpieces of New Age thought.
"I do not care for the term New Age, but it can take nothing away from Janes/Seth's writings". Many of today's finest authors in areas of metaphysics and parapsychology give credit to Jane Roberts and the Seth Material for leading the way regarding the popularity of Law of Attraction. Law of Attraction was simply referred to by Seth as a "univeral law".
Seth Manne has spent the last 40 years studying parapsychology, metaphysics and quantum physics and his latest work reflects the culmination of those many years of study. Personal cause and lodestar: To Promote Respect For The Awareness And Dignity Of The Being That Is Human.
If you go to our main site, you will see that we use a completely unique approach to LOA. Make sure you click on the " about"tab on the home page and read the seven short paragraphs there to understand how our site can make your dreams come true. Our site address is
Get to know Seth Manne. Do a google search on "Seth Manne", put the name in quotes and read articles and information about the author. Go to and read two free chapters from Mr. Manne's new book entitled "Manifesting the Ultimate". Seth Manne offers one on one phone sessions with clients. In order to set up a phone session appointment you must email Seth at , be sure to include your phone number and the best time to reach you. You will be called at the time you specify and you will then be able to set up an appointment for a one on one phone session with Seth Manne. The cost is 250. dollars per hour thru paypal.
Law of Attraction may not be working the way you want it to work. That is to say, it is bringing into your life, those circumstances which reflect your overall vibration or you could say, it is reading the "sum total" of your thoughts and delivering to you accordingly.
Most people are not aware that manifestation is an AUTOMATIC and INVOLUNTARY process just like breathing or blinking your eyes. You can "take control" of an automatic and involuntary process. For instance you can do deep breathing or hold your breath and you can blink your eyes fast, slow or not at all when you concentrate on these involuntary processes.
Now realize you can take control of the manifestation process also but even if you do, you must control the sum total of your thoughts with its resultant "vibration". When your vibration is on a high level and a natural positive level (which is your natural state) then you will attract only great and abundant circumstances. However, if you are not controlling your thoughts then your uncontrolled thoughts are controlling and creating your circumstances.
Remember it is not necessasary to rigidly control your thoughts but it definately is to your great,
great, great advantage to just casually monitor your own thoughts...when you are having a thought or
feeling or a mood that makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable...just ask yourself this thought or mood "beneficial" in some any way me? If it is not ....just throw it out you throw out the garbage...toss it...drop it...forget it. An obvious way to do that is just to reach for the opposite...high end thought...reach for the higher thought....the good feeling positive thought and hold on to that. Determine what is the high end thought by how the new thought makes you feel. If you were feeling down or bad with the moody thought a minute ago...find any thought that makes you feel good while tossing the bad feeling thought into the cosmic garbage can. This is all not any kind of rigid control just as i have stated is merely a casual monitoring and evaluating of your own thoughts....just like you choose who you will entertain at your house...choose what thoughts you will entertain in your mind. If the thought feels as if there is absolutely no benefit to you, then, you gain absolutely no benefit by entertaining it.
Fate, luck, Destiny or God are NOT creating your circumstances in life, but if you believe that they are then you will still manifest your own circumstances while manifesting the "ILLUSION" that your circumstances are being created by outside forces. Nevertheless, your circumstances will be created by you on a subconscious or "unconscious" level. At this point you might not realize that all your circumstances are created by you, for you and unbeknown to you while you never come to understand that you truly do...create your own reality. Once you come to that understanding and awareness, you can then start to "control" all that which you manifest.
A new book by Seth Manne entitled "MANIFESTING THE ULTIMATE: PERFECT HEALTH, MASSIVE WEALTH, TRUE LOVE AND INFINITE HAPPINESS" has recently been published and quotes from the book and ordering information can be found at You will be able to read two free chapters and the complete chapters summary to get some great insights into the manifestation process. The author asserts that this book presents a missing element to the process of manifestation that is not available in 99% of the books and presentations in the marketplace.
If you have done any research on Law of Attraction or manifestation techniques and methods, you will come to realize that "you must vibrate that you ALREADY HAVE that thing or circumstance that you desire". Now this is easy enough to say and to tell people to do but it is not so easy to achieve. How can you vibrate that you ALREADY HAVE a million dollars when you only have one dollar. How can you vibrate that you ALREADY ARE madly in love with your soul mate when you are totally lonely etc.
This is the information regarding techniques and methods that you will receive in this new book, Manifesting the Ultimate. The inspired author and master of these techniques is one of the foremost authorities on the Seth Material written by Jane Roberts and he is an expert on topics such as parapsychology and metaphysics. You will learn the missing element that has stopped you from manifesting your REAL desires and has kept you from controlling this automatic and involuntary process. You can download the chapter summaries and the two free chapters directly at the website. Go to It is your choice as to which of the three types of people you want to be...1. People who make things happen...2. People who watch things happen or 3. People who say "what happened". You CAN learn to make it happen, you know. You just need the "TRUE" methods.
This is the topic that you can search on the internet and not find an answer that will satisfy you. This topic is used by people who don't believe in Law of Attraction to try to prove their case. They say "if Law of Attraction is real, did 6,000,000 Jews attract their own death in the holocaust?"
It sounds like a great argument. All LOA gurus don't like to deal with this argument. Even my own favorite author who is a recognized leader in the LOA movement has responded to this question at her seminars by saying to the questioner who asked about the Holocaust..."why do you choose to ask questions about such negative scenarios which in turn, keeps you focused on resistance in relation to your vibration?". Now I am paraphrasing what she said but I have definitely caught the flavor of her response and IT IS NOT AN ANSWER.
So where to start to give even a glimpse of a proper answer. I must lay some foundational ground rule assumptions. This all can be looked at as no more than my opinion. I 'am not saying that this some written in stone answer. It can also be looked at as perspectives of "being". However, I assure you it is not contrived.
Do adversaries of LOA believe that a human being is just a higher animal form destined to die into nothingness? Do they believe that the "being" that is human has any special powers or is omniscient and omnipotent? In order to understand my explanation, one would have to first believe in this foundational assumption... that "beings" who are human ARE endowed with powers that are omniscient and omnipotent. That foundational belief can be quite a stretch for those who argue against LOA.
O.K. so now, assuming, we have a very "Godlike" being existing in a physical body. We of course must assume that the "being" has NO LIMITATIONS while the physical body IS LIMITED to physical laws.More questions...Do you believe that you, as a human "being", can manifest any circumstances at all in your own life? Elsewhere, your life has been represented as your "canvas". How others view your life is what they are seeing and surmising from the canvas that you have created and are demonstrating.
Now we must entertain areas that become even more questionable to many and those are areas such as mass manifestations, the mass mind, the sub conscious, the super conscious and the choices to which any "being" has access. The choices a being has, are infinite. A human "being" is by no means a simple creature.
A person's life can be looked at as that individuals "demonstration" or as stated ...his or her canvas. The final stroke upon that canvas is the individuals type of departure or "death OF the physical". There is no death for the "being".
We have expressions like "the good die young" to quell our sadness when we see young people die in a car accident or in battle or die in some atrocious way. We question the meaning of seemingly senseless deaths, senseless murders, senseless illnesses, senseless disabilities or deformities that babies carry at birth. It is all not senseless. These ARE demonstrations. Could "beings" choose these horrific demonstrations you ask?
Some believe these conditions are inflicted upon the individuals by fate, luck, destiny or God. To believe that is to believe that your life is controlled by outside forces. To understand my answer to this question you would have to believe in manifestation, mass manifestation, freewill, and the omnipotent power of a "being" that is human. You would need an understanding of the subconscious, super conscious, and the mystical magic of this powerful being's choices of demonstration.
Again this sounds like quite a stretch for the average human being. Can your imagination make these stretches? The opinion of one's own self can be high or low or anywhere in between. I, simply, choose ...extremely high.
For some individual being to make the choice that his personal demonstration will contain such horrific or atrocious "qualities" is unfathomable for most people. They "believe" that no individual being would choose such a seemingly ugly demonstration of life and death.
Let's face it, most people don't believe we choose our type of death or control the time of our death because they do not understand the "being". They have no connection with their super consciousness and they look at life from quite different perspectives than those that are mentioned here.
Even if you are going along with me purely for the sake of your momentary entertainment, I realize your mind may be spinning and flooded with questions and counter arguments. You might ask and state simultaneously, "this is absurd, no one would choose such horrible demonstrations even if they could". My response to that is...Who are you to say what the perspectives of an individual omnipotent being would be and what reasons that being might have for making choices that you as a "human" can not fathom. Now we are coming to the point.
There is a difference between the physical human and the all knowing "being". That understanding can take humans many lifetimes of physical experience to achieve. That understanding is contained by the "being" before and after its physical birth and death. It is an awareness quest that the "human" embarks upon. It has been called enlightenment.
As humans, many of us see death as a tumultuous event. As beings we see death as no big deal. As beings we see death as being no more tumultuous than going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning. To the being it is not only some simple, matter of fact, transition, but it is a welcome transition because the being knows that it returns to what has been called source or the non physical. That place is adored by the being and feared by the human. I am speaking of most humans and all beings.
So now, with all this foundational belief information....I say these mass manifestations in situations like the Holocaust do not put the "victims" at fault. Other evil players, like Hitler, certainly played their part in creating and bringing these events to fruition. Some people with a distorted view of karmic retribution might say that the evil players will reincarnate for eternal lifetimes as a fly in stool. I am not going to get into explanations of karmic lifetimes but I will say that justice does prevail especially in the alternate realms. That justice has been described elsewhere as self inflicted...the most appropriate of all justice.
To the beings who participated, their choices were holy, dignified and superior choices. They are, many times, the choices that only the greatest beings and spirits could make and they often appear as victimization.
These demonstrations are a way of going to war against atrocity and teaching by example for generations to come. These demonstrations expose the perpetrators and defeat them in a way that no war could ever do. And mostly these demonstrations are chosen on a super conscious level totally unbeknown to the human personality. Only the being knows the growth and expansion that it creates through these scenarios. Only the being knows why it chose to be the one to participate, possibly for reasons relating to its own character and journey.
Step outside the "human" box for a few seconds and sense your own omnipotence. At that moment you may sense the magnificence of other beings that have gone before you, are here now and are yet to come.
Any one who has gone into battle in war could have chosen not to do so. There are a multitude of options available to not experience that. Any one who, as they say, fought the hard fight or took the higher road was definitely not taking the easy way or path of least resistance. These questions addressed here are a factor of perceptions. You must look deep to find answers that strictly relate to the "being" and not the human. When you look deep, you will be amazed at the deceptions that the human creates. You will be amazed at how the being operates in these seemingly mystical and omnipotent ways even while in a physical body.
I want to say to my favorite author and LOA expert, that you can not brush these historical incidents under the rug. You can not tell people "oh don't ask that question and don't think such negative and resistant thoughts". You are not giving answers that way. You are just avoiding the question. At times you too prefer the path of least resistance. You worry sometimes that addressing certain issues will be bad press for you. I say practice what you mostly preach.
Seth Manne, the author of this article is also the author of a newly published book entitled "Manifesting The Ultimate: Perfect Health, Massive Wealth, True Love and Infinite Happiness" available at The book will give you the real story on these answers as they relate to knowledge of SELF.
Manifesting the Ultimate is the only book that will teach you what you really need to know in order to be able to "quickly" take control of your manifestation abilities.
Most people don't realize that the manifestation process is an automatic and involuntary system of the human body and mind.
It is like breathing or blinking your eyes, you don't have to think about it to do it, yet you can TAKE CONTROL of an automatic or involuntary process.
You can blink your eyes when you want and you can hold your breath or do deep breathing.
As far as manifesting goes, there are three distinct types of people...1. Those who know they manifest their own circumstances and try to take conscious control of the process but, for some reason they are unable to manifest what they truly desire.
Then there is number 2. People who do not believe that they are manifesting their own circumstances usually believe that their circumstances are created by either fate, luck or destiny, while all the time they are unaware that THEY are manifesting their own circumstances on a subconscious level and merely creating the ILLUSION that fate, luck or destiny are controlling their circumstances in life.
Lastly, number 3. People who actually take conscious control of their natural inborn ability of manifestation and do truly control their own circumstances in life. If you are in category number 3 you probably don't need this book.
You can go to my site and read two free chapters and a complete chapter synopsis for all chapters so that you can get an idea of all that is covered in this book and how these two chapters are but a small integral part of the overall effect.
Why is this book "the one"...why is it different from all the other systems or techniques, that you have possibly tried, that have not worked for you?
Keep reading and you will learn the answers to those and many other important questions that will reveal to you why you have finally found what you have been searching for your entire life, even if you never realized that this is what you have been searching for.
Today, in our world, Manifestation of one's own circumstances is a very popular topic. There are all kinds of systems and techniques and gurus out there claiming to have the answers to this age old secret knowledge.
That knowledge would be "how do I manifest the circumstances that I truly desire in life and how do I not take a lifetime to do it".
People all over the world are becoming aware of manifestation. They buy books, find gurus, go to seminars, watch movies and videos and generally seek out this knowledge everywhere and anywhere they can find it.
However, very few actually ever learn to truly manifest what they really desire in life. They become very frustrated and some start to believe that it is a hoax or a scam and that no one can really manifest their own circumstances in life.
Let me ask you this, if you are not manifesting your own circumstances, then, who or what is? You might say, Hey this isall random chance or luck or fate or God or destiny.
Many people hold those beliefs, but you will see in this book and it will be PROVEN to you, that even if you believe those are still manifesting your own circumstances and you are also manifesting the ILLUSION that fate, luck, destiny or God is providing yourcircumstances.
How is that possible? It is not only possible - it is true, but you need to have it explained to you. I do that in the book and I will not waste time here trying to PROVE things to you.
However let me just say that you may not be aware of the powers that you possess as a human being. You have possibly been conditioned or brainwashed to think that being human is just a higher animal form and it does not include any special powers.
If you believe that, I can tell you that this is one, and only one, core belief and reason why you are not able to manifest what you truly want in life.
Now this book is entitled "Manifesting The Ultimate: Perfect Health,Massive Wealth, True Love and Infinite Happiness"...I would guess that there is probably not one adult on the planet who is not interested in at least one of those circumstances ...if not all of them.
Having studied Parapsychology, Metaphysics and Theology for the past 43 of my 63 years on the planet...I have looked at every method and system out there...and in my opinion there are only two authors who really deliver the goods, of all the presentations available worldwide.
In this book, of course, I will reveal these other two greatest of books in the world today because, for me, they have been perfect companions to this book.
When you purchase this book and go to any bookstore and purchase the other two will have the definitive library on manifestation and there is absolutely no way that you will fail.
You will manifest all of your true desires, no matter how far fetched or huge or miraculous your desires might be....
All of your desires must be within the limits of your creature hood...that is to say can not jump off a tall building and flap your arms and fly or breath underwater.
So as a human, you have physical limitations that can not be manifested. But as a being you have NO limitations. This is animportant distinction.
In your dreams or imagination YOU CAN fly or breath underwater or any other situation you can imagine. However being perfectly healthy or having massive wealth, true love and infinite happiness are absolutely easily attainable in physical waking flesh life.
Look around you, there are many people who have and live these circumstances and they are so easy to achieve that it will seem likemagic to you because you have been conditioned and brainwashed to believe that these situations are hard to come by.
You have formed opinions and beliefs that these wonderful circumstances, that you truly desire, are almost impossible for YOU to get.
BECAUSE you believe this ...then for YOU, these circumstances ARE impossible to achieve...because you believe little sayings like "nothing good comes easy"....then for YOU nothing good will come easy.....
These wonderful circumstances that you want are as easy to manifest as a cup of coffee. You, however, do not know this and certainly do not believe this.
You probably don't believe that you have any special or magical powers as a human to manifest these things. Think for a moment, when did you decide that you couldn't get these things or that they were difficultto come by or that it would take a lifetime to develop these circumstances.
Who taught you that, who convinced you to believe that, who brainwashed you against your own best interests in life?
However, you absolutely CAN have, get, and experience ANYTHING, within the limits of your physicalness, that you KNOW that you can have.
Certain other people obviously have health, wealth, true love and is certainly physically possible...guess what... many of them never even worked hard to get it.
You are the one who holds beliefs about how hard or easy these circumstances are to achieve. You certainly don't think, believe or know that they are easy to obtain.
I don't try to tell you what to believe ... I just try to remind you of the power of those beliefs and the reasons behind why you have chosen and decided to believe things that are not beneficial to you.
In the book, you are given clear cut methods for quickly changing your beliefs into beneficial KNOWLEDGE. This is often not a simple task for many people who have deep seated "core beliefs" that pretty much dictate their past, present and future circumstances.
Obviously, if you've studied manifestation before you might be saying, Hey I've heard all this before, and well you should have, but you must realize that it is the METHODS for lining up your beneficial beliefs and knowledge that is the most important factor...
You have never been given the proper METHOD for obtaining your desired circumstances. These three books will give you the METHODS that are only available in this three book combination.
The other two authors are best selling authors with followings of millions of people yet you have probably never heard of them because millions of people is a small fraction of the total population of our planet.
I guarantee that within thirty days of reading this information that you will be more happy, satisfied, in love (even if only with life) and experience ever increasing wealth (as fast and massive as you can believe and know)...
I spent, literally, a lifetime searching the world for this knowledge and these methods. I could hype it up like the movie "The Secret" or all the gurus who talk about "Law of Attraction"
But did you know that even people who have heard of those two things and people who have spent THEIR lives searching for thisknowledge and these methods ...
People who kept saying oh yea now I've got I know what to do....the MAJORITY of all people who have searched for this information have continually come up short and almost none have been able to MANIFEST what they TRULY desire...
You know...the BIGGER circumstances.
I absolutely KNOW WHY. This book contains the most important element that is definitely missing in 99.999% of all the manifestationproducts on the market today.
But in these three books there is a synergy... a magical combination of knowledge and techniques that when read in a certain order combine to make miracle thinking, beneficial beliefs, and advantageous knowledge, almost impossible NOT to attain.
Yea, I know some people can make the impossible (downside) happen any time they want. They believe in luck but they believe they are unlucky, they believe in love but more in heartbreak, they believe in perfect health but for others not themselves and they believe in God but they are afraid of him and believe "he" is out to punish them.
But even these people can have an "aha" moment in life. When you change your beliefs and knowledge into positively oriented and beneficially based beliefs and knowledge then you will have the MOSTrapid manifestations...
Those who fit the negative scenario mentioned above may have to spend a little time adjusting beliefs and knowledge a bit. At least they will have finally found the only real techniques and methods available for thoroughly and easily doing that.
Remember it is the COMBINATION of these three books that puts it all together and it was something that I stumbled upon after having read the other two.
The first book, I read before I wrote mine and the other book I read, after, but when I had read all three ...the magic finally happened for me.
Now just so either of these other authors don't get upset with me lumping myself in with them or putting my self on their level ....I say right here and now ....I am not doing that ....
I say that I am just mentioning them because of something that happened to me when I found that I had absorbed the material of the three works.
One of the authors is dead and the other, currently, has a huge following but the living one gives credit to the dead one as being one of her great teachers.
I am just giving credit to both of them as my great teachers....I do not put my self on their levels ...I put both of them on a pedestal and I am eternally grateful for their contributions to me and to the world....
Again, I found this strange occurrence when I absorbed all three works...and it was an occurrence that I had searched a lifetime for...
That occurrence was, FINALLY, the ability to RAPIDLY MANIFEST THE FOUR CIRCUMSTANCES IN THE TITLE OF MY BOOK. I can not guarantee that what happened to me will happen for you but I can guarantee that you will not find a better three book library on manifestation anywhere on the planet.
Let me say a few things about these other two books. The first author, the one who has, as they say, "passed" (a more delicate terminology than dead) ....that book was my first exposure to advanced Parapsychology and Metaphysics.
When I give you my book I will include a little background on the unique and magical way that these authors obtained their material.
All my life I have wanted to tell people about this first book and this author and how what was written changed my life for ever.
I knew the material was the best I had ever read anywhere and hopefully now I can be helpful in spreading that information to more and more people.
Actually I did find one minor downside to the material...possibly it was only a personal downside and I thought, probably, I was the only person who experienced it.
Over the years I met and talked with many people who felt this same criticism was accurate in their lives. The criticism is that though the information was the greatest I had ever received anywhere, anytime...and even though I totally came to know the material was absolutely one hundred percent true and accurate...
I found that I still could not manifest these four larger more important circumstances mentioned in the title of my book. Sure I was having success with variations of health, wealth, love and happiness but I was having difficulty taking it to the level I truly wanted.
I kept reading the book over and over for years until I finally decided that, FOR ME, even though the material was the most astonishing, revelatory, mystical knowledge I had ever encountered ...I personally felt that it lacked practical techniques.
Sometimes it actually gave me MITIRWTK ---that would be "more information than I really wanted to know" Now that is not always a bad thing and what I am saying here can be looked at as no more than my personal critique.
As a matter of fact it turned out to be a very good thing because it inspired me to write my book...writing my book was almost as though I was tapping into the universal mind so that "I could talk to myself and write it down at the same time"...
I actually learned what I wanted from my own book because I wanted to know how to do this manifestation thing on the level I desired and I was tired of searching for gurus and authors.
Now when I wrote the book I felt as if I was taking dictation. It was not annoying, it is just that the information came fast and furious and, almost always, I would have to go back and read what I had written because I didn't know what I just wrote.
I went through the whole book like that and then read the entire book from beginning to end. I was astounded by the "clarity of thought" and the flow of the writing and the way it kept me wanting more from line toline and chapter to chapter.
It had a distinct personality and it WAS NOT MINE. Quite frankly, I have never had that kind of clarity of thought before or since. I put the book away for five years because it almost frightened me a little ...
What was I gonna do with this thing - I didn't want to be known as the guy who wrote THIS. To tell you the truth and I always try to tell the truth (nobody is perfect)....I actually detest fame and notoriety...
I am a very private person and cherish my privacy. I was actually afraid of this book, if it ever came out it would make me famous....I thought, that this had the potential for the New York Times Best Seller List.
This would mean book signings and promotional personal appearances and all of that. At my age and with my personality you could not pay me 50 million dollars to go that route based on who I have become in myolder years.
On top of that for some strange reason I did not want to be associated with THIS book. Maybe I tapped into some universal spirit who didn't want me to take credit for it, I don't know, but these were my true feelings...
Why else would I let this thing sit, getting dog eared in my desk. Then one day a light went off in my head about "ebooks" on the Internet ...No personal appearances, no book signings and best of all...NO FAME.
Relax I'm coming to the big punch line...A few years ago I found the final book and author and it blew me away....I found all the practical techniques that were missing from the first author/teacher.
When I read this final book...every sentence and every page made me FEEL better and better. It was quite a joy and experience just to read.
It spoke of law of attraction which I researched and found was a term coined by another author about one hundred years ago. My first author/teacher never used that term but described the same thing as just a universal law.
Now about this time ...the movie the secret came out which I thought (and again this is just my personal critique)...was incredibly me, a Joke...
But I could see how it might have impressed some people who had never given any of this manifestation stuff a second thought in theirlives...So to those people, that movie may have taught them something....but I guarantee...not enough to manifest much more than a whopper at Burger King.
Certainly for a guy with my knowledge, teachers and background, it was kindergarten stuff. Now I need to make a couple disclaimers here for purely legal protection reasons.
I have now ordained my self as a critic on products dealing with manifestation. So that gives me license to praise the two authors I will mention in my book ...whether they want my praise or not and license to give my critique on "The Secret". Definitely not worth the cost of admission if you have done any reading or studying regarding systemsand techniques for manifestation.
So I am now someone named Seth Manne author/critic. My job is to tell you what I think is really good and what I think is pretty bad. I'm almost done.
When I read the final book, though it is without a doubt the best book ever written on these mystical topics ...somehow I still could not manifest the really big things/circumstances I wanted...
I believed, to the point of KNOWING, that all that I had just read in this final book should have saturated me with all the technique I needed.
This final book was not only praised by me but the first few pages were loaded with best selling authors and millionaires saying it was a literary masterpiece and one of , if not the best book they had ever read.
For me, if I wanted to teach anybody all I had learned over 63 years....with all the books I had read and all the real life travel and studyI had done....I would just give them that book....
They would call me and tell me how they were manifesting small miracles in their life...hey I was too but I was more interested in BIG the four in the title of my book.
To this day and probably until I check off the planet, there will never be a greater book for me. That book not only teaches you how to manifest but basically teaches you everything you ever wanted to know or ever will want to know about who you are as a being and who you are as a human.
It was the next to the final link for me because I was still struggling with my bigger manifestations and for some silly reason I decided to pull my dusty, yellowed and dogeared manuscript...out of my desk after five years....
I read it cover to cover and edited the final chapter talking a bit about Law of Attraction and the nitty gritty BOTTOM LINE on the formula for manifestation success.
Then I had the book professionally edited...I wrote a book proposal thinking I was going to go after a literary agent but never did and I read the book through one more final time.
By the way my book is not some inane little pamphlet written by a dippy Internet copy is eighteen chapters, 93 thousand words and 219 pages of what turned out to be pure gold for me because when I finallyfinished that last read through something miraculous happened....
The big manifestations started appearing and very quickly in rapid succession. I started analyzing all that was happening to me and I got a gut feeling of KNOWING.
In my book I talk about the difference between believing something andKNOWING something. Many manifestation gurus will tell you that what you believe is what you get in life...I say, not quite guys...
I say, what you KNOW is what you get. So what is the difference between believing and knowing... understand, that there is not much difference in how you form beliefs and knowledge...they are both created by you as opinions and decisions that you form and make your own.
Here, however, is the know your name and you know what day it is but when it comes to certain larger issues likemaybe....God, always here people say "I believe in God" ...they don't ever say ..."I know God".
They might believe that they may be able to manifest their personal life circumstances but they don't KNOW IT. In the book I explain that the only difference between believing and knowing is the FEELING you get when you absolutely KNOW something...
I explain it and I prove it in my book...but this is only one of a thousand revelations that you will have when reading this three book combination.
Now, finally why is my book essential to this trio/triad/trinity? For a couple extremely important and crucial reasons....I 've already mentioned the missing element part....Much of this book is spent instilling this missing element into the readers consciousness...
Because without this one critical element ALL METHODS, ALL BOOKS, ALL SEMINARS, ALL TEACHERS...will be absolutely WORTHLESS to will never manifest more than that whopper, symbolically.
Now back to that final book by the only other living author for one second here...It is written in simple, comfortable, understandable, words, phrases and terminology...immensly user friendly as we say in the computer world.
And, I told you that you will probably never experience such wonderful FEELINGS reading any other book. I mention this because I want to make this final statement about my book.
When I was writing this book over a one and a half year period I kept getting the feeling that the dictation I was getting was from the kind of person (or spirit) that was very distinct on some level....I don't want tolabel the type of distinction here because you will sense it when you read it.
It was also simple and clear and understandable for anyone but I could feel that the author was constantly building and driving home the most important element that I had overlooked for so many years.
He was talking to me like a brother or a very close friend and he kept making these magical powers that we all matter of fact. It was as if he knew how to get inside of my mind and make me KNOW.
I had believed in all that I had been taught about how human beings manifest their own circumstances. I learned how they manifest their looks, their weight, their health, their wealth, their lovelife....everything ...both good and bad...
I knew about all the people who did not believe in manifestation because they kept saying ...."I can't be manifesting my owncircumstances because why would I manifest myself to be fat or ugly or miserable or dying with cancer", etc. etc.
This is clearly and conclusively explained and PROVEN in my book and somewhat in the first authors book....but more so in mine ...
This explanation is another liberating revelation that clears blockages and erroneous core beliefs working against your ability to ever manifest what you really want.
It also stops you from manifesting unconsciously and subconsciously, what you don't want. It causes you to stop blaming fate, luck, destiny or God for your miserable circumstances.
Once you take that responsibility for manifesting every circumstance in your life up to this that moment you begin to realize that if you did all that negative manifestation then you can begin to do the complete opposite positive and beneficial manifestations....
But again, this is only one of a thousand revelations that will turn your situation around. Remember I said it is no more difficult to manifest a million dollars than a cup of coffee.
You will come to KNOW this and FEEL this and when you do you will have arrived. I give you my word as a worthy spirit/author/critic...that you will not be disappointed in any of these three books, one I have written and the two I have critiqued and highly recommend.
They are distinctly three different flavors of the same KNOWLEDGE. I thank you for reading my little story.
A final thought--
I want to help you make the information in this book work for you. Did you know that research has shown that people who study techniques of manifestation (as they are taught elsewhere) have demonstrated a one in one thousand success rate?
This means that for every person who is able to manifest circumstances in relation to Law of Attraction, one thousand people meet with failure. They read all the books, take courses, watch videos, and attend seminars.
They know (supposedly) all about Law Of Attraction and even feel like experts on the subject. They know that like attracts like, and the benefits of concentrating on what they want and not on what they don’t want. They know techniques of visualization, meditation, imagination and so many more. Yet they are not able to manifest what they truly desire.
This book, Manifesting the Ultimate, if approached with the proper perspectives, will teach you what no other teachings emphasize as the most important aspects in the manifestation process.
I will send you an email of important information that will unlock the proper way to approach this book in order to make it work for you. You will receive this email shortly after you purchase the book
You may believe this or not, but my purpose in publishing this book was not to get rich because I already have such an abundance of money that my wealth allowed me to publish this book out of love. Originally it started out as being something that I wanted to teach my 22 year old daughter purely out of intense love for her…my only child.
As it turned out many, many people have thanked me for the information when I released it in book form. I found that I really disliked reading books that kept leading up to some “secret” that you had to read an entire book of what I call “blah,blah” in order to get to it in the final chapter.
I found that I could send an email (to everyone who bought my book) that would really “bottom line” the tricks, methods and perspectives “before” they even read the book. For lack of a better name, I call the information…”CUT TO THE CHASE”.
So if I don’t need money, why am I selling this book? Simple answer. My daughter owns the publishing company and she gets any profit the book produces.