When you have made a big, bold move,
Taken on a big challenge...reached for the stars...
And hit the next wall -
THAT'S when your self-doubt will really kick in.
"Maybe they were right..."
"Was I crazy?"
"Am I a fool?"
Please. Your biggest self is begging you.Don't give up now. You are so close.
Know this:
You are not alone in this situation.
There's a reason you feel this way.
There's science to how all this works
And there's a lot
you can do about it,
In a surprisingly short amount of time.
Want to know more? Come visit me!
Apply for a free discovery session, to find out where the doubt is, and what to do about it.
See you there!
Please visit http://scoutwilkins.com . You can sign up for my free, fun video on making change easier, and you'll also get a free copy of my book Just Who IS In Charge Here, Anyway? 5 Simple Steps to a Vibrant Fulfilling Life
...follow your bliss and don't be afraid
and doors will open
where you didn't know they were going to be."
- Joseph Campbell
Have you always made other people's dreams come true at the expense of your own?
Have you hit midlife, and still have that book inside you,
or dream of the adventures not taken -What is it that you
have always intended to do in your life?
Go inside, past your fears and doubts;connect with your core courage
so you find and DO what is in your heart to do.
I offer a 75 minute FREE audio training and workbook.
Come to scoutwilkins.com
- see you there!