Ms. Centrella is a writer and author of the motivational blog Thoughts.Stories.Life. which follows her journey to reinvent her life after tragady struck. She shares her secrets for manifesting 2 vision boards in 4 years and going from broke to living her dream life using her version of the Law of Attraction. She is also the author of Adventures in Manifesting, Love and Oneness as well as her personal memoir; From The Outside. Her story has been featured by the Red Cross, The New York Times, and she has apeared as a guest on the Steve Harvey Show. She is a coach for the Law of Attraction, as well as inspiring crowds of all sizes with her inspiring true story, and keys to success.
I teach a weekly free coaching call, all you need to do to join is sign up to be a Member on my website (button to sign up is at the bottom of every page). I also host weekly web classes. If your serious about learning how to manifest a new life and make a dramatic change, and start living your dream life than this is for you!
My definition of the Law of Attraction:
Hustle. Believe. Receive. The law of attraction is not "magic" it's fact. It responds to your vision, intention, belief and yes... Hustle (aka work!). There is no success without work. But luckily it's all totally managable and easier than losing weight!
Please check out my website and click on "my blog" to read my story and follow my tools for success. I host weekly free coaching calls, and weekly inexpensive web deep coaching calls, you will have all the info you need to start your brand new life!