I don’t know what you’re looking for in a coach, but here’s the deal with me: I’m pretty much a down to earth, regular person you might just enjoy hanging out with if I weren’t your coach. I’m not a “suit” who’s never gotten his fingernails dirty kind of guy.
I’m also not one of those fast-talking “Type A” people who’s going to push you and push you and drive you like a crazy person. I’ll hold you accountable, but I’ll do so firmly but gently and respectfully.
I’m the kind of person who looks for the best in everyone, and honestly believes everyone -- including you -- has gifts and is him or herself a gift to the rest of us. Just maybe, I can help you uncover and make the best of your unique gifts.
I’ve struggled through life like you. Yes, I’ve worked in corporate offices, but also in a steel tube mill, and lots of other places. When we talk about struggles and tough times, I’ve lived them too, and I have the greatest respect for you, wherever you find yourself in life right now.
The point is, when you call me, you get a real person whom you can be real with.
That’s about as simple as it gets.
Anyway, Here’s the Usual Info:
I’m board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a Holistic Health Practitioner. I’m a Certified Reiki Master, and I have studied Quantum Touch. I’m also an ordained Christian and Metaphysical minister, and an IFCC Certified Chaplain. I earned my Master’s in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysics, and my Doctor of Divinity from the American Institute of Holistic Theology.
I've also completed training as a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and in Level II Advanced MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques).
I’m a Life Coach, not a therapist or psychologist, and I approach Life Coaching from a spiritual (but not religious) perspective.
I’m not a licensed mental health professional. I don’t deal with the mentally ill, I deal with normal people who want to get past the things that sometimes hold us all back and move on to the great life we all deserve to live.
With my background as a syndicated cartoonist, I just naturally approach life with a light heart.But with my background as a minister, I also bring a profound understanding of the depth and breadth of human experience in joy, sorrow, triumph and challenge.
My studies in western religion, metaphysics and Native American and other indigenous cultures’ spirituality have given me a broad view of Spirit, the interconnectedness of everything, and the eternal nature of the soul.
I live with my wife Tekakwitha in northwest Pennsylvania, USA. We have two children and five grandchildren, and you don’t get to that point in life without having dealt with more than a few significant issues and challenges along the way. Issues and challenges that I’ve overcome, and I can help you overcome as well.
How the Web of Light Holistic Life Coaching System Came To Be
I used to get frustrated when I did pastoral counselling (you know, when you go to your Rabbi or Minister for counseling) because although people seemed to “get it” and they were helped in many ways, too often their lives didn’t really change. Why? Because their lives were still playing out through old programming. Programming that was below the conscious level, so no amount of talking, insights, or thinking things through were going to change the way their lives looked.
What I discovered was a method so profound, yet so elegantly simple, that reaches down into those old programs and literally rewrites them. Once that happens, people’s lives unfold naturally and virtually effortlessly in a whole different and wonderful direction. You won’t have to work hard at “trying to be strong” or “remembering to think” a certain way.
I know. It’s worked for me, it’s worked for thousands upon thousands of people around the world, and it can work for you, too.
I work by telephone, so no matter where you are located in the world, I can work with you to help you get your best life ever.
Is The Web of Light Holistic Life Coaching System for you?
If you think it might be,
click here
and tell me a little more about yourself and
why you would like to work with me.
I can’t – and I won’t – compromise my commitment to my clients by spreading myself
too thin. I can’t work with everyone who asks, and I only take a very limited number
of clients. If I’m convinced that I can truly help you, and that you’re ready and
willing to do what it takes to change your life, then there’s a good possibility
we can work together.
I’m sorry (and this is NOT a sales pitch), but if I’m not convinced that I can help
you, I won’t work with you. Why? Because my passion is to help committed people who
are truly ready to change their lives. If you think – no, if you know you are, then
click here
to take the next step.
Whether we get to work together or not, thanks for taking the time to read this far,
and I sincerely wish you the greatest success in everything you put your efforts