Roy Twogood Jr has been Managing Director of OLIN e-Publishing Company & OLINeBooks since 2001. For a period of time Roy was unable due to a chronic health condition similar to MS, where his wife filled in nicely.
Roy believes everyone has a story. Therefore everyone has a best seller just waiting to be read. Because of our current financial situations worldwide, it is almost impossible for a unknown to get published by a major publishing house. Because this is true and it is also true that writers mostly want their work read and then to be compensated a fair amount, this has become the mainstay of e-publishing or self-publishing since 2000.
The future of writing is exciting because of blogs, e-books and e-reports. E-publishing ccompanies appear to be the future for most writers because of the advent and sucess of self publishing and e-publishing published work. Most writers then sell their work on their own website for high profits, much higher than through a conventional publishing houses! We will begin seeing the advent of websites that will only sell unsigned authors/self-published. Keep an eye on handheld devices and the need of content for such. We are living in a truly exciting time for writers, e-publishers and sellers of self published work. It all starts with a writer sitting own and writing. Take each step and proceed ony after previous steps have been met and completed to the best of one's abilities.