Dr. Richard Kercz is an assessment coach and stress/performance strategist creating breakthrough results which increase personal and workplace performance individually and collectively.
Dr. Kercz has assessed and coached over 5800 senior level executives across Canada and the United States and is recognized for his depth of knowledge in assessing and developing high performers. He offers assessment based coaching to help individuals develop the means to finally start doing what they really want to be doing without apologies.
He is a specialist at coaching people to develop the skills of resiliency, controlled on-demand relaxation, mental toughness and work-life balance. He can be reached directly at richardkercz@gmail.com .
His latest mandate is http://www. projectrelaxation.com . With project relaxation our mission is to teach 1,000,000 people the skills of realxing into thier lives so that they can better enjoy and succeed in everything they pursue. Help us make a difference in the world. Get our free e-book Just Relax - finding top gear and navigating the four obstacles of learning to relax. It's free! www.learntojustrelax.com . Please help us change the world one person at a time by passing along the www.learntojustrelax.com link to everyone in your life.
email: richardkercz@gmail.com
Web: www.kercz.com , www.projectrelaxation.com
Telephone: 416-561-6817