The word “wealth” comes from the root ‘weal’ which means well-being, prosperity and happiness. While wealth is typically associated with financial resources, True Wealth means you have achieved success in all aspects of your life. The person who has great financial means but lacks abundance in the rest of his or her life is still poor.
One who experiences True Wealth lives a life full of love and happiness, health and prosperity. This person is centered, lives in the moment, enjoys a life of purpose and makes a positive difference in the lives of others. They are committed not only to their own happiness but to assisting other people to experience trulhy lives, also.
CORE PHILOSOPHYWe all have a soul that is pure and enlightened. Experiencing True Wealth is about purifying the mind and the body to allow the light and love of your soul to shine through. It is about living, thinking, eating, being, and acting in ways that lead to amazing amounts of happiness and inner peace.
WHAT WE OFFERAt True Wealth Unlimited, we are committed to helping people live abundant, happy, fulfilling lives. This website features a wide range of cutting-edge, practical tools designed to allow people to realize the lives of their dreams…rich with incredible health, energy, vitality, happiness, joy, fun and abundance.
Choices include a variety of meditations and meditation techniques such as Guided Meditation and Energy Meditation. Also available are Wellness Coaching, Energy Coaching, and Law of Attraction Coaching.
Rich German says:
"It's not the pursuit of happiness...but the Happiness of pursuit."
"A great life is a life of great experiences."
"The life you want, wants you."
"Exercise is an expression of the soul; it is a philosophy and a discipline to a much higher order of life."
"Imagine a life in which the line between work and play ceases to exist and your life becomes an endless series of pleasurable moments.'
"Look beyond people’s appearances. Look beyond the roles one plays and the mask they wear. Look deep into their eyes and peer into their soul. There you will find their true essence. There you will find your true essence. And that essence is love."
"Simply open your heart to receive and miraculous gifts will descend upon you like rain drops dripping from the wings of angels."