- 6 Articles- 3 Websites- 2 Events- 265 User points
Director of the Healing Arts Center in Palm Desert, CA Expert
Renee Baribeau Quick Facts
Main Areas:Marketing Soul driven and Heart-Centered Businesses, Best Sellers:Her "Creativity: A Recipe for Awakening," was chosen to be a chapter in the anthology Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live your Best Life Now featuring Jack Canfield Career Focus:Speaker, Author, Business Owner, Healer Affiliation:Desert Holistic Network, Practical Shaman Renee is the Founder and Director of the Healing Arts Center in Palm Desert, CA which is comprised of a consortium of businesses who stand together as one light in order to heal business and our world, and who wish to attract clients with a holistic approach to wellness and sustainable living. Renee also works as a shamanic coach, teacher, writer, chef, event planner, and gift wrapper for healers.
Renee has completed Light Body Training with the Four Winds Society, received rites of passage from the Quero Elders in Peru, and has integrated the DNA work of Margaret Ruby. Her strong belief in the power of prayer combined with earth-based traditions is the basis for her work and she has studied with many modern-day mystics. She works extensively with early childhood trauma, addictions, and food disorders. Her intuitive gift is the ability to uncover blocks that hide people’s true potential.
Renee’s classes and workshops have included Sacred Play, Creating Your Personal Spirit Doll, Tending to Your Sacred Garden, Sweat Lodges, Gift-Wrapping Your Healing Practice, Shamanic Rebirthing, Real Forgiveness, and Introduction to Shamanism. She also organized the Business of Healing conference in March 2007. She is available for speaking and training engagements.
As a Gift Wrapper, Renee can help you develop and market your authentic gift as a healer or community advocate by “packaging” your gift to present it to your community through Internet setup, e-newsletters, brochures, logo design, and/or other business peripherals.
As a chef, Renee has owned two popular restaurants and two upscale catering businesses, and worked her way into corporate senior management. Renee has a B.A. in Communications from U. of Maine, and attending the NY Restaurant School.
Shop in a Grocery Store you can feed your family. Grow a Garden and you can feed your Community! Our online resource directory has planted the seeds to not only market our members, but we are growing corn and we are creating Community!