Ocean, the singer and songwriter, also champions causes like being a compassionate vegan, becoming green and eco, spirituality, wealth attainment, and pet care.
A world-traveler, Ocean is well-acquainted with other cultures and traditions, and feels that we all are One.
"Finding our way to harmonious interaction is the key to solving our world's problems." states Ocean. "Compassion is the way to heal everything and everyone on our planet."
Considered an expert in the fields of self-help , health and spirituality, Ocean enjoys sharing information that will help others re-gain their own health and find information on how to heal their pets.
A published author and writer, Ocean's articles on many subjects are enjoyed by a great number of people.
Endorsing compassionate causes, Ocean also volunteers as a wildlife rescuer and also helps to re-locate pets to good homes.
"Giving others the information they need in order to live better lives will enable us all to heal the problems we face today as a whole specie - as the only specie capable of helping the others. It's mandatory that we combine our talents, raise our voices, and exhibit our caringness by becoming active as a group, creating a movement of forward-thinking people who are determined to save our world and all beings in it." - Ocean
Start with your heart and only good will follow. - Ocean
You cannot build your happiness on the misery of others.
That's why it's so important to be Compassionate. To be Compassionate means to Go Vegan! - Ocean
To be human is to be humane. - Ocean
The greatest way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone up who's in need!
To Give is to Live! - Ocean
If you live for your appetites, they will consume you.
- Ocean
To Be Happy with a mate – don’t procreate!! - Ocean
I most respect all vegans because they live their spirituality and stand up for justice to all. - Ocean
Our world is, when viewed correctly, like a fragile drop of water- a shimmeringly beautiful, but very fragile drop of lonely water in the midst of a vast and very empty universe.
We are the lifeforms gathered on the crust of our planet who, alone, have the power to keep life not only continuing, but who can make life worth living. - Ocean
Our fragile planet, our only home, is like a frail, young mermaid, not at all like the harsh, old mother earth goddess that men have, through countless ages, railed against as an adversay. A young planet, she is in need of protection from us. I hope this change of perception, and a change of name, perhaps, from Earth to Planet, Sea, will help people turn from the idea of "conquest" of Nature to the idea of being protective. - Ocean