Nikki Jourdan show women how to connect to unconditional Love as a lifestyle and break the cycle of childhood abuse fear. "Choose Love. It looks good on you." ™
Nikki Jourdan holds the position as a Sundie Morning Sistas Council Member, Lifetime National Member of Women Entrepreneurs of America, Inc, Member of Faith-Writers, Authors Den, She Loves God,
Ms. Jourdan oversees Nikki Jourdan Publishing, writes eBooks, and offers spirit-life coaching solutions for women. She also freelances for several online magazines, blogs, and social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin
Greetings of love!
Thank you for allowing me to share with you some important things I have come to know in life. My intentions are to enlighten and enhance; let me know if I have done it well, ha!
Life is precious: We have the ability to choose life or death based on our thoughts, words and corresponding actions. God is love. We also have the ability to choose love or hatred based on what we think, say or do; ha! God is still God, regardless of our choices.
The Spirit of God: is responsible for giving us personality, talents, gifts, and the brand that makes you - you; and me, me. It is a choice to believe and receive what has already been given to us. For example: We can believe a lie or belive the truth about ourselves. The truth is that we are wonderfully made by God/ the lie is that we were an accident.
Good and Evil have two distinct and different Fathers.
Father God is the Author of Absolute Truth and all that is Good. [satan] is the author of absolute evil and all lies, which includes things that come to kill, steal and destroy in any form. [satan] is called the god of this world. He is a master deceiver so much so until he master mind a hostile takeover of Father God's home; Heaven. one third on the angels listened and followed satan. As a result he along with those angels were evicted from Heaven...and casted down to earth. Here he thives on innocent children, men and women. But in reality, satan is already a defeated foe to a Believer of Jesus of Nazareth; The Anointed One and His Anointing.
Heaven and Hell are two distinct places of Eternal Life or Eternal Death, based on our ability to choose; and make free will choices and decisions.
In society, good law abiding citizens enjoy freedom in peace. Lawbreakers are isolated and given a separate place to live, called jail or prison. Everyone in jail may or may not be guilty of a crime; but it was voted on; judgement was handed down and sentenced was given. This happen in life.
In life; Spiritual Pardon is offered to all of mankind: Accept, believe by faith and receive the Gift of Eternal Life, from Father God by thinking, saying, and doing what is honest and fair and just; receiving His Son; the Anointed One and His Anointing - Jesus of Nazareth. Confess Him as Lord. Nothing else - no other can or will give Complete Pardon for every error or bad choice or comdemnation or feelingds of guilt or shame; but Jesus of Nazareth. Again it is a free will choice.
IF we choose to leave our Eternal Life or Eternal Death up in the air; we are forced to be in a place we may or may not want to live later, ...forever. Again, it is a free will choice. To believe or not to believe.
Why am I telling you all of this: I, personally, have had both encounters with godly good spirits of heaven and evil tormenting spirits of hell: God and Satan. And there is a distict difference! One cannot be mistaken for the orher; ever.
My passion is to share the truth of Father God's Love so eveyone on planet earth may live in Peace; regardless of circumstances; learn to overcome obstacles and all the lies promoted and produced by the kingdom of darkness. Father Satan is the god of this world' system. Satan is responsible for pain, torment, abuse....and strife. Un-forgiveness is his main product; it leads to a root of bitterness, which then turns into bondage; baggage; anger; lost of direction; apathy; and a will to die and hurt or kill others as well.
My request: I am asking you to consider your current life: Are you headed to a resting place of good things or a place of evil? Regardless what you think or accept; the laws of the universe has been set. We have the power and ability to Choose Life or Dealth. Choose today, if you have not done so, already.
I love you: sight unseen. I embrace and accept you with the love of Father God. If you feel my love; then you know He does exists. It is His love you are experiencing....(smile). He has been here all along. He knew you before you were conceived.
You were born on earth with purpose and destiny build with you. No amount of abuse or rejection neglect is strong enough to stop your free will to choose God. Just because you were serving the Father of lies; does not mean you must continue to do so: Change your mind.
You are empowered to Choose Love and Live the Abundant Life In God; In Jesus of Nazareth; By the Holy Spirit. God assures your complete wholeness once you believe and receive His Son Jesus. No questions asked. It is an instant confirmation within you; affirmation you cannot deny; a peace that passes understanding and knowledge. He comes and lives inside you. That is HOW you Know He is REAL....He comes only by Invitation; or by prayer made on your behalf.
Let us pray: Father God, allow the heart and mind of all your people to now recognize the love you are send daily. Help us to know You better to believe and receive all Your blessings of unconditional love and acceptance; free pardon; forgiveness and eternal life. Affirm in our hearts the Ablosute Truth that none would be dceived any longer. Thank you, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
Well, let me know if I can be of service to you in any way.
"Choose Love. It looks good on you."(tm)
Nikki Jourdan
As a leader, do you lead in fear of childhood abuse experiences from your past? Are you currently having evil spirits tormenting you or your loved ones? Do you feel hopeless because no one believes the bite marks? That you were assaulted in your sleep by someting you could not even see? That you hear and see things that no one else sees? Are you afraid to close your eyes and sleep in peace? Are you tired of wearing a mask - hiding the real you?
Are you in need of Mentoring? Spiritual and personal development?
Contact me for assistance via Self-Growth.
Nikki Jourdan
Ms. Nikki Jourdan
Post Office Box 1891
Moncks Corner, SC 29461-1891
Inspiration-Wisdom to Lead and Overcome