I am a woman with a passionand a visionof inspiring and empowering others to be better people for themselves and in turn for the world! I encourage others to grow in their daily lives; to be open to change . I am here to hear your thoughts and speak my voice. I have compassion for the human race and want to encourage through words of wisdom.
Visit my site at www.makegirlfriends.com and also check out my inspirational blogs at www.blog.makegirlfriends.com .
Visit my site created and designed for women to meet other women at www.makegirlfriends.com , launching in the San Francisco Bay Area on August 1, 2010.
My philosophy in life is to grow daily and learn daily. I believe that in the winds of change we find our new direction. Life is to be lived out loud with laughter and dancing along the way. I like what Napolean Hill once said, "what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
I believe that we as people have the capacity to empower and encourage others through inspiration. We can't change anyone but ourselves but we can surely inspire to look at life in a different way.
May the possibilities of today excite us ALL!
You can learn more about my thinking and inspiration at www.blog.makegirlfriends.com and also be part of meeting, sharing and inspiring after August 1, 2010 at www.makegirlfriends.com
Email me at nancy@makegirlfriends.com
Add me on http://twitter.com/makegirlfriends