Michael Murphy is the author of the
breakthrough book, 'Powerful Attitudes'. He is also the author of theonly completely personalized self-empowerment books for adults, on
the planet.
Michael's "PowerFirmations"
books have been praised by best selling authors and success experts as
'the most powerful, personally life-changing book you'll ever own'.
Most recently, Michael has received the endorsement of Mark Victor Hansen, the largest selling author in history as co-author of the Chicken Soup For The Soul series (see video endorsement at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7DhqOIa7q8
) More than a book, PowerFirmations is a success
tool and personal development companion. It is like having your own
success coach with you 24/7, 365 days a year. Imagine your name, first and last, embedded in over 100
pages of 'powerful affirmations'. This 'tool' for success will
instantly immerse you into the success process as it builds
unstoppable self-confidence, self-esteem and
amazing personal power. To be, do and have all that you've ever
dreamed of, this book is unparalleled. Michael also publishes a
faith-based book called, 'FaithFirmations'. With
over 200 pages of ancient promises and spiritual truths, you name is
embedded in several times per page.
Michael is a native of Texas which he
still proudly calls 'home'. He is highly active in speaking andconsulting for network marketing, direct marketing, expert online marketing and Fortune 500
Michael's 'Powerfirmations' books are available at http://www.powerfirmations.com
Michael's 'Faithfirmations' books are available at http://www.faithfirmations.com
Michael's 'Powerful Attitudes' is
available at http://www.amazon.com
and http://www.lulu.com
Michael Murphy
220 C-7 Sunset Blvd. C-180
Sherman, Texas 75092