Maurine Patten, owner of Patten Coaching & Consulting, is a coaching psychologist and consultant with 30 years experience. She empowers professionals who feel like they are feeling ambivalent and going through the motions in life to discover the power to change, focus on where to put their energy, positively impact others and improve their relationships as they work smarter and make better choices.
She has a variety of ways to work with her: complimentary reports, ezine and blog articles, Private Strategy Meetings, teleclasses, a 3 Step System to Know Yourself and Make Better Choices , and individual coaching programs. Her private client Self-Discovery to Move Forward and Take Bold Action: Silver/Gold program gives strategies needed to achieve a meaningful and fulfilling life. In addition, she does leadership and management training for municipalities and mid-size companies.
1. Private Strategy Meeting - Discover strategies and answers without committing to a long-term coaching relationship or program.
2. Self-Discovery Program to Move Forward and Take Bold Action: Silver/Gold - This 3 or 6 month private client program helps you discover where to focus your energy, positively impact others and improve relationships as you work smarter and make better choices for a meaningful and fulfilling life.
What have you learned that helps you live with hope?
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." A. Einstein
"Those who are hardest to love need it the most." Socrates
"Live life with passion." Origin Unknown
Visit my website: for my more information.
Maurine Patten, EdD, CMC
Patten Coaching & Consulting
St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: 630-584-8936