As a child, I was always drawn to nature. She held me and opened her secrets to me, when I became still and listened. My true 'gift' is that I never lost my connection to the Source within me, I never really became 'separate, lost and alone' although I have certainly experienced that in this lifetime! Like so many of us, I was advised to shut down what I 'knew' or 'saw' or told it was 'just my imagination'. In my quiet times I knew differently, The trees and I had conversations no one else could hear.
I had several re-awakenings, one in 1989, when I finished a run and a bit of yoga, stood up, became incredibly dizzy and fell down with a loud ringing in one ear. For several weeks I could not drive a car or walk in a circle as my centre of gravity was completely altered. My healing journey took me into the worlds of NET, NLP, ayurvedic and chinese medicine and ultimately into many forms of energy healing - a journey for which I am completely grateful and that changed me completely. I had another awakening in 1999, when a part of me literally fell away.
I founded my original company, Matrix Change, as a way of teaching what I had learned, in the hope that what had helped me might also help others. I had been shown that we can shift our perception and experience of reality from programmed states of being to fluid, source-aligned beingness. ...
I have the ability to see the patterns and programs behind issues and behaviours. I recognize the illusion we call our reality as the holodeck it truly represents and can observe the programs and patterns of energy that create and run it. For this, I am completely grateful.
Does the world look like that to me all the time? No. Thank goodness! There was a period of time in my awakening where I would look at a flower or a tree or a building or whatever.... and its appearance would change so that I could see the information encoded therein. So beautiful! So amazingly complex, yet radiantly simple! It did not look like flat encrypted code, more like a holographic gestalt of multi-dimensional configurations, infinitely linked and nested, spiraling into infinity, yet concise and finite in form. Cool? Very. Impractical when driving or handling sharp objects. ;) It was a little intense, to say the least, but I would not trade the memories of that gift, nor the occasional discomfort it caused!
Now, when I look with my inner vision, things look as though constructed of fluid light. A child can make shadow pictures on a blank wall with a flashlight! What if that is really what we are doing, but with energy? If a program is really made of energy, then Spirit can show us the energy source and disconnect it or turn it off! What could be simpler? Find the energy source, or root, of the illusion and ask Spirit to remove it! And, most importantly, know that AS an extension of Source, anything is possible. Seeing everything AS Source makes the dissolution of the illusion not only possible but completley inevitable.
The spiritual traditions of the world have spent a lot of time ‘dealing with density’; so have I on my spiritual journey. What I found most useful was to focus on its malleability, its flow of constant change. What if density isn’t dense at all but just a flow so slow we can’t see it moving? Physics tells us that rock is not solid, right? But we experience it as such. What if we didn’t make that assumption? What if we assumed that the rock was flowing too, that everything that seems dense is simply a slower rate of motion and change?
The books I’ve read that made the most sense to me (and I’ve read most of the key tomes from most of the worlds’ spiritual traditions) were the ones that described the practical application of BEING a spiritual being. What is that application? I think we are all here to find out.
In 2002 my focus shifted from 'dealing with' to a spiraling inward that has changed who I know myself to BE. A series of life-altering experiences has led me into the arms of the Divine Feminine and beyond, into Her Heart, Her very Beingness. It is from within Her Grace that the transformations that flow through me are Sourced. I am Her conduit.
And I am grateful.
Study The Wave
Mary offers transformational mentoring and training in several mediums.
Individual and group alignment sessions, tele-classes, and workshops in
natural settings, facilitate the refinement of your authentic vibratory
signature (soul alignment) and removal of the unconscious, default
programs that interfere with living fully in alignment with Source.
New! BlogTalkRadio Broadcast –FREE–
Study the Wave with Mary on Delphic Wave Radio
are invited to listen in on upcoming broadcasts on blogtalkradio. The
Divine Feminine has information to share with us about the times we
find ourselves in, and how to make the most of the changes upon us. We
are moving from fixed forms, fixed ideas, into fluidity and from
polarity into unity. What does this mean in consciousness? How can we
help our minds to align with our hearts? What is our unique soul
signature and what is Her advice on how to live it? What is Her advice
and transmission on how to navigate from one reality into another from
a deeper vibration of Being?
Every Wednesday's at 7pm PST
Current Offerings:
New Moon Tele-Gatherings:
“Initiation into and celebration of the new moon seeding time“
~ LIVE ~ with Mary MacNab ~ February 24th
Friday January 9th @ 1pm PST
Friday January 16th @ 1pm PSTFriday January 23rd @ 1pm PST
Friday January 30th @ 1pm PST
New Moon Tele-Gatherings - Only $9.99 ~ available via tele-bridge ~
Around the time of each new moon, Mary offers a transmission from the
Divine Feminine, in the form of a one hour tele-gathering, to remind us
how best to utilize the seeding time of the new moon and how to
internalize her energies for the coming lunar cycle. Gatherings will
include a brief centering meditation, information on the current cycle
as well as specific information pertinent to each cyclic transit in
working with one's soul alignment.
All gatherings will be recorded for re-listening or for those who cannot attend in person.
E-Classes & Workshops:
We will be offering a tele-class program for 2009 that will support all
of us in shifting from the fixed forms of the old cycle (polarity) into
the more fluid forms of unity consciousness, and living from the
heart. This program consist of three (3) Modules with three (3)
classes each all building on and progressing to the advanced Trinity
Series which will begin in the Fall.
Module One ~ The Embodiment of Fluidity ~
Building a cocoon in consciousness (that facilitates release)
~ Friday, February 11th, 18th and 25th at 1pm PST ~
Only $149 for all three classes.
Each time we make a choice, consciously or unconsciously, to see and
experience life in a certain way, we encode or 'fix' our field a little
more. We define and identify, we box and label a vibratory pattern as
'truth' when truth itself is constantly flowing and we are meant to
flow with it.
When we choose to shift consciousness, to grow and
change, we must let go of the 'old encoding', make more fluid choicesand allow new structures to be birthed that will carry us into a more
expanded state of awareness.
The Embodiment of Flow is a process that can be
integrated and embodied to create a stable container for alchemical
transformation for yourself and others. Using this process you can
facilitate radical shifts in creative experience and expression from
conscious choice, aligned with your soul signature and with Source.
This series of (3) three - 1 hour and thirty minute tele-classes, each
covering an aspect of a new process for the embodiment of flow, begins
with a brief guided meditation for 'holding the container' for
conscious shifting, and ends with a brief clearing meditation as well,
to facilitate release into a new configuration. All other offerings
build on this Foundation Course.
All classes are recorded. Recordings will be available for re-listening during the week prior to the next class.
Module Two
~ Dealing with the Perception of Density ~
Transforming Physicality into Fluidity
~ Wednesdays,
March 11th, 18th and 25th at 1 pm PST
~ Only $199 for all three classes
Our physical, emotional, and psychic bodies hold programmed
patterns long after we have released or dealt with them mentally. These
are the patterns that come up when we least expect them or feel we have
‘already dealt with that’ (sometimes, for years!) Body-held patterns
have specific trigger points and often quite sophisticated symptoms or
pathology. By identifying the deepest layers of these patterns (their
archetypal essences) we can release them at the root, facilitating a
complete shift in physical modality.
This series of (3) three - 1 hour and thirty minute tele-classes, each
covering an aspect of a new process for the embodiment of flow, begins
with a brief guided meditation for 'holding the container' for
conscious shifting, and ends with a brief clearing meditation as well,
to facilitate release into a new configuration. Pre-requisite – Module
One – “The Embodiment of Fluidity ~ Building a cocoon in consciousness
(that facilitates release).
All classes are recorded. Recordings will be available for re-listening during the week prior to the next class.
Module Three
~ Integrating Knowing into Flowing ~
How to integrate your Soul Signature
~ Wednesday, May 13th, 20th and 27th at 1 pm PST
~ Only $299 for all three classes
What happens when your soul signature is not in alignment with what or
who you believe yourself to be? How does your body react? Your
emotional body? How can you release resistance and choose to align
fully in your authentic self? How can you come to rest in who you are
and what moves through you?
This series of (3) three - 1 hour and thirty minute tele-classes, each
covering an aspect of a new process for the embodiment of flow, begins
with a brief guided meditation for 'holding the container' for
conscious shifting, and ends with a brief clearing meditation as well,
to facilitate release into a new configuration. Pre-requisite – Module
Two – “Dealing with the Perception of Density ~ Transforming
Physicality into Fluidity”.
All classes are recorded. Recordings will be available for re-listening during the week prior to the next class.
Advanced Module ~ Living your Source Embodiment ~Embodying the crucible of transformation ~ Wednesday, September 2nd, 16th and 30th at 1pm PST ~ Only $999 for all three classes
2009 is a 'portal' period, a time for creating conscious choice points
in each and every moment. The Trinity Series seminar program is an
alchemical container for the embodiment of grace. It is an opportunity,
for those who are ready, to make the choice to move from karma yoga
into dharma yoga, from the reality of ‘karma and destiny’ to
co-creation with the divine.
Living Your Source Embodiment covers the sacred
architecture of soul signature alignment. It allows you to embody the
transformational chamber of change, becoming a fluid conduit for your
soul architecture and for facilitating that alignment for others. The
alchemical conduit exists as an integration point of body, mind, and
spirit, earth, sky, and sea.
This series of (3) three - 2 hour tele-classes, each covering an aspect
of a new process for the embodiment of flow, begins with a brief guided
meditation for 'holding the container' for conscious shifting, and ends
with a brief clearing meditation as well, to facilitate release into a
new configuration. Pre-requisite – Completion of ”The Embodying
Fluidity ~ Navigating from the Heart” Series.
All classes are recorded. Recordings will be available for re-listening during the week prior to the next class.
Energy Management and Wellness- Nature as Nurture:
Mary offers Workshops and Retreats throughout the year, focused on
balancing the body with the spirit and guiding the mind into choices
more aligned with conscious intent. These events are a 'time out' from
daily life for the experience of expanded perception. An expanded
perspective provides the vantage and vision needed for implementing
Workshops are held in various natural settings,
offering time and tools for inner listening, stillness, centering and
re-balancing in the Divine Feminine traditions.
Mammoth Mountain Retreat
~ Join us in the beautiful, majestic Mammoth Mountains of NorthernCalifornia this summer for this rare opportunity to “Study the Wave
LIVE with Mary MacNab”. More Details COMING SOON!
mail("mary","delphicwave",0,"?subject=Retreat") for more information.
A Year of Choice Points ~ Choosing to Create
~ 2009 is an '11' year; a Portal Year, a year of Choices ~
What will you call forth from the ocean of infinite resources?
the new year's energies unfold, I choose to Create. I choose to align
with Source, as my authentic Self, in co-creation with All That Is. I
choose to be an embodiment of the Divine, of Her beneficent grace and
abundance, unfolding without and within. I choose Peace. I choose
Resonance. I choose Harmony.
I choose Creation. I choose Love.
'calendar year' (and is it not amazing and more than a little amusing
that we still partition our lives in this arbitrary way?) is going to
be, as they say, a 'bumpy ride'. The old cycle has ended and the new
has yet to manifest. Will it be the kind of 'bumpy' that leaves us
'tumbled and smashed across the rocks' or will it be Space Mountain, a
roller-coaster light show, in the inner worlds of our own
consciousness? The choice is ours to make. What will we choose to make
This is a year of choice points, a time when instant
manifestation has begun in earnest, and not necessarily in the way we
had assumed it would be. Think of an 'outcome' and it will manifest!
What are you thinking right now? Visioning, keeping your thoughts in
alignment with your dreams, hearts' desires and especially your love,
has become all important. Remember that every thought is a prayer that
the Universe moves to manifest. Remember that this is a new beginning
for us all. Remember that every thought you think about anyone or
anything reverberates and resonates within you.
beginning is a delicate time. It is formative. It is causal. It is
precious and precarious and promises to be amazingly exciting and
awe-inspiringly FUN, if we choose to let it BE. What are your current
choices? No, really. Get out your vision boards, your journals, your
put-away-lists, and SEE. What have you forgotten that you meant to be?
In each moment of this 'year' exists a choice point.
Some will be more impactful than others. Each is an opportunity for
exponential growth and change. In the old cycle, the decision not to
choose was an invitation for default programs to take over. The old
cycle is falling away. Who or what will now choose if you do not? Will
the defaults of an old reality become stronger? Will indecision
indicate that things should stay the same? Nothing will be as it was.
Nothing will work as it has before.
It is time to align with the vibration of miracles. It is time to
invoke your alignment with Truth. It is time to remember your reason
for being here. It is time to stop pretending to be less than you are.
The time for carrying light for others and the world has
reached its completion. It is time to create. What world do youenvision? What vibration are you holding to make it real? It is time to
live our love, as we create together the world of our dreams.
The Shift has been talked about in many ways and by all traditions.
Wherever you find yourself within it, know that you are loved,
and the time is not only 'right' it is definitely 'NOW'.
~ With all my Love, May Every Blessing Find you!
© 2009 Mary MacNab All Rights Reserved
Contact me through my website at:
via email: or by phone @ 510-388-6483
Check this page and my website often as there is new information posted frequently!
Or - sign up for my periodic newsletter, "Ride the Moon" by visiting my site.