Mary Elston has been tackling management challenges for over 20 years through her career in the transportation, consulting and technology industries. Mary shares easy to apply, time tested management techniques with all levels of leadership -- from project managers to Vice Presidents. Her concepts have been used for years by her leadership colleagues and numerous business professionals. Mary shows her clients the secrets to “make a difference” management.
Mary graduated magna cum laude with a degree in business from the University of Colorado. She also completed a year long executive leadership program with the Browning Institute. Her various management positions and accomplishments have included serving as a leader of multi-million dollar business groups in marketing, pricing and product management roles. She was also awarded a U.S. patent for a technology concept that solved a recurring client problem. Mary has spoken professionally on technology topics with a wide range of Fortune 500 clients and sales teams across the United States and internationally at conferences and seminars. Her management concepts have been enthusiastically received by numerous business groups, management and leadership professionals as techniques that solidly "hit the mark" when it comes to providing proven management tools and approaches for success.
Mary has hosted seminars in numerous cities where she shares her skills for management success with professionals in a wide range of industries including technology, finance, transportation, consulting, oil and gas, healthcare, education and government. In addition, Mary writes a management column for a marine and boating industry trade journal. Mary is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a member of National Speaker's Association and author of the book "Master Your Middle Management Universe, How to Succeed with Moga Moga Management Using 3 Easy Steps!"
Additional detail on Mary's proven management concepts can be found at . Also on her web site, look for free management tips and copies of the column she writes for a boating and marine industry trade journal, located under the lefthand "Articles" link.
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“Management is like dating. When taking on a new team, try to avoid making snap judgements. Give your team a chance to get to know and trust you; just as you have to give yourself a chance to get to know and trust them.”
“Always strive to manage with integrity and professionalism, but don’t think this means everyone will like you. They won’t. Even though you’re a leader you’re still human. You will make mistakes and being human, there will always be someone who doesn’t like you or appreciate you; no matter how fair you are, how much you help them, or how great a leader you become.”
“Just as you may remember a great teacher you had growing up, you probably also remember a great manager or boss you may have had. We remember them because they are rare and because they helped make a difference in our careers, our lives, and how we looked at our work. That’s what “make a difference” management is all about.”
For free articles, management tips and other secrets to "make a difference" management; visit Mary at .
Mary Elston
Master Your Success
P.O. Box 621623
Littleton, CO 80162